OUYA - Dex: Early Access Trailer


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Dex: Early Access is coming to OUYA December 9th!
Explore the futuristic city of Harbor Prime and meet its many inhabitants, answer the challenges the city has to offer, roam the neon-lit streets, and augment your character with skills and implants. 
Designed as a tribute to the classic RPGs from the ‘90s, updated for a modern audience, Dex invites you to become part of a living, breathing cyberpunk universe as you decide which ultimate path you will embrace. 
The current Early Access Offers: 
- Over ten hand-crafted locations to explore within an open-world futuristic city 
- Several NPCs, traders, and quests givers 
- A couple of side-quests 
- Four enemy types 
- Raw version of the combat system (brawler-style, arcade melee combat) 
- Raw version of the stealth system (field of view, backstabs) 
- Only a handful of hours to complete all the content present in Early Alpha 
- Limited character development options (several skills are implemented and around ten implants are available for augmenting your character) 
- Limited inventory item set (to be expanded in development) 
- High chance for your feedback, suggestions, and ideas to actually influence the final game
This does look like a good 2D side scrolling RPG. I like the dark theme of this game. The music on this trailer is pretty good.
looks alright.