OUYA - Double Dragon Trilogy Trailer


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Enter Double Dragon Trilogy, a compilation specially optimized for OUYA with local multiplayer, complete with all three installments of the beloved arcade series: Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2: The Revenge, and Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone.

The first one begins with Billy and his brother Jimmy, two martial arts experts, in a mission to rescue Billy's girlfriend, Marian, who's been kidnapped by the Black Shadows Gang. All your favorite moves are here: punches, kicks, elbows, knees, head-butts and an assortment of not-exactly-street-legal weapons.
Double Dragon looks like a pretty good classic 3D side scrolling game.
I'm glad they got this game on their system, as I find the OUYA's existence to be very fascinating so I wish it to remain. However, I did notice that they mention multiplayer only being available locally, and I think that is a big shame and a missed opportunity. The one feature I'd wish to have on a retro game would be to be able to play multiplayer online because otherwise I might as well just play it on any other device I can get it on. Still, like I said, I'm glad that they at least got the rights to have this title on their console, and hopefully, they can include this feature on future retro games they acquire.