Ouya modded to become a handheld Ouya Gaming system with a bigger screen and 360 controller


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The project is still a work in progress, but currently involves a cannibalized Xbox 360 controller, an Ouya, and a fair amount of wiring and what looks like particle board.

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I like this mod since the 360 controller is one of the best game console controllers for playing video games. The screen is also big enough for people with poorer eyesight to view without glasses.

Good to see that the Ouya is still popular with Hackers and Modders.

This looks like a great handheld for playing emulators, Ouya games, and Google Android games.

I think once this guy makes a nice case for his Ouya handheld, it would look better.

I think the Ouya maybe a good choice for making a Netbook or smaller laptop sized portable gaming handheld for TV gaming on the go with the size of a bigger screen, and not having to deal with smaller screens, and controls like current handhelds like the Vita, and smaller 3DS which are not enjoyable for people with poor eyesight, and huge hands,