OUYA offers $13.37 games store credit to Kickstarter supporter


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It looks like OUYA founder and CEO Julie Uhrman is certainly aware of that (along with a few other teething problems) as she has just sent out an email with the above image, offering all Kickstarter supporters a $13.37 credit to its Discover store.

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I wonder would this $13.37 store credit will also kickstart people into buying more games for the Ouya since people who bought the Ouya for emulators may spend the $13.37 free credits on games, and eventually spend their own money on games for Ouya when they bought a few good games for Ouya with the $13.37 credit, but still want to buy more games with their own money.
$13 in credit seems to be kind of weak but at least it's something.
At least, most of the paid games for Ouya cost $1-15 each.

Final Fantasy 3 cost $15 for Ouya, so a Ouya owner who haven't played FF3 on the Nintendo DS, iOS or Google Android can buy Final Fantasy 3 for about $1.70  with their own money by also using the $13.37 Ouya store credit which was given to them.