This is just a heads up for those of who are still thinking on buying an Ouya. For this weekend only (February 2/7 - 2/10/14) the 8GB Ouya is $30 off until Monday making it's price $70 instead of $100. You can take advantage of this by going to the Ouya store and using the following code:
This is a good deal. If you contact Ouya, they exchange your defective controller for the new model according to a blog post I read awhile a go. Most of the bugs are also fix with the latest system update. The Ouya also now supports installing games to an external USB hard drive or flash drive, so even if you get the 8GB version, you can plug in a USB flash drive or hard drive to add more storage space for more storage to install more games on external storage via USB.
I still need a TV with HDMI ports, so I get an Ouya when I get a TV with HDMI ports, or if Ouya 2 supports older TVs which still uses Yellow, Red, and White video and audio cables like the PS2, Wii, etc.