OUYA - Skulls Of The Shogun Trailer


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Coming To OUYA October 28th!
Take up arms as the tough-as-nails General Akamoto, a bone-faced commander who continues to fight even through the cold dark of death itself. Skulls of the Shogun is an arcade-style turn-based strategy game optimized for tactical and adaptive play. Command stoic skeletal warriors, call upon mercurial animal spirit-monks for power and guidance, and consume the skulls of their enemies to gain fiendish new powers. Get ready to take on the afterlife through an extensive 10-15 hour single-player campaign, local multiplayer, and turn-by-turn online multiplayer for up to 4 players!
"Fast, compact and yet consistently thoughtful, there's nothing else quite like Skulls of the Shogun - and, for me, it earns its place amongst the genre's greats. " 
9/10 – Eurogamer 
"Equal parts quirky and complex, it only comes to prove that the glory days of this often forgotten genre aren’t quite gone." 
8.6/10 – Gametrailers

This looks like a fun 2D turnbase Strategy game with a Japanese Shogun and horror theme.
it does look pretty fun.