OUYA - The Bridge Trailer


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Coming to OUYA August 18th!

The Bridge is a 2D logic puzzle game that forces you to reevaluate your preconceptions of physics and perspective.

It is Isaac Newton meets M. C. Escher. Manipulate gravity to redefine the ceiling as the floor while venturing through impossible architectures. Explore increasingly difficult worlds, each uniquely detailed and designed to leave you with a pronounced sense of intellectual accomplishment. The Bridge exemplifies games as an art form, with beautifully hand-drawn art in the style of a black-and-white lithograph.

“I was simply flabbergasted at the complexity and simplicity they present at the same time.”
9/10 – The Indie Game Magazine

“One of the best puzzle games I've played in years...The Bridge is an experience that I haven't had since P.B. Winterbottom and Braid, and it gives both of them a run for their money”
90/100 – Destructoid

“The best of the PAX 10.”
– VentureBeat

"I took more away from the experience than I have with any other game in recent memory”
– The Escapist


This looks like a good 2D puzzle game,
Oh god, this brings back the nightmares that was the Myst video game.