OUYA will be sold at Best Buy, Target, and Gamestop for $99.99 in June


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OUYA will be hitting retail stores in June this year, but if you don’t want to run this risk of stocks running dry you can also pre-order today. Large chains Target, Best Buy, and Gamestop, and Amazon for $99 in June.


Cool, glad that the Ouya can be bought at a physical store instead of online only since paying for shipping and handling can be expensive, and waiting for it to arrive can take a long time sometimes.

I wonder if people can buy it earlier from eBay, and Ouya official site after it has launch in March before June.

For $99, I think a lot of people buying the Ouya to play emulators, and use as a streaming box for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

The free to try/play games part of Ouya sounds good since people can play a few levels before they decide they want to buy the full game.

I wounder if it would be possible to turn the Ouya into a affordable $99 computer when people plug in a USB keyboard and mouse to use for web browsing, chat, music, video, flash games, and drawing apps.
June is also the time a lot of students, and workers get time off for summer vacation, so for $99 people who don't own any new games consoles can play affordable games on the Ouya during their break, or use the Ouya to make their first games with the bundled Game Making software/Software Developement Kit which comes with every Ouya console sold, so they can give away their games for free, or sell for an affordable price like $1-5 dollars on the Ouya market.
I'm sure they'll have a section where you can play it. I'm not going to buy it but i definitely want to sample it.
I agree there most likely be a TV, and Ouya for people to sample/try out for free at stores, and the mall if Ouya set some up at public places where people hang out a lot on their free time.

I'm interested in getting an Ouya for using for game emulators, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, playing anime and music, and other services and tasks on the TV for $99, and to see if there are any fun games which are free or cheaply priced on the Ouya download store, or sideloading apps like Shadow Gun, Asphalt 7, Nova, and other Android Games from Google Play Store.

I think the Ouya needs to make a free bundle with a few full free games like Tetris, Pacman, Pong, etc for people to play on the console when they set it up at home to make more people want to get it because of free bundled games.
huh, I wonder where they could put this in my gamestop, that store has no more room that it has used PS2 and Wii boxes sitting the middle of the store room.
The Ouya is the size of half a pop can base on pictures I saw, so I think they can tie it to the back of a TV, or hang it from the ceiling with a hook, or a rope, or they can put it on top of a bigger console like the 360, or PS3, and use a different HDMI port to plug it into the TV.
Maybe Ouya will rent a small corner or table in Gamestops for a few hundred dollars a month for each Gamestop to promote their console.

Gamespot soon will have more room if the rumors of the PS4 and Xbox 720 not supporting used game disc or is online only are true since Gamespot uses a lot of its space to sell used games and consoles.