Aug 25, 2014 #1 W waterkiller Well-Known Member Credits 3,350 What do you think will be a bad game but its having a huge mediatic coverage?
Aug 25, 2014 #2 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 51,221 Hmmm I would peg CoD or Assassins creed for a right match for this.
Aug 29, 2014 #3 H Hinir Well-Known Member Credits 3,350 I think COD is definitely one since there has been so many, it feels more like they took the same game and made a few changes and put it back out as a "new" game to make more money. I think any game with tons of sequels is pretty much this.
I think COD is definitely one since there has been so many, it feels more like they took the same game and made a few changes and put it back out as a "new" game to make more money. I think any game with tons of sequels is pretty much this.