Pay More For Online Gaming Soon?


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The US does need better internet... But it also needs to give more consideration to it's general public and how their actions will screw them over. 

I mean those who made the decision to reject Net Neutrality likely have little, if any, stake in this at all. They likely aren't heavy internet users at all. They might not have netflix or use youtube. (Let alone any gaming consoles or PCs for gaming.) So they may do little more than check their email and read the news.

And so it's plenty easy for them to be handed a huge sum of money and not feel bad when it screws things up. (Because they weren't personally affected by the situation. I'd bet that if they thought about this and realised they were about to be faced with a several hundred dollar a month internet bill increase that they would reject this right away.)
If people need to pay more for online gaming, it will hurt Cloud gaming like Onlive, Nvidia Grid, PS Now, etc, and buying games online with Steam, Xbox Live, and

The offline gaming market which include buying physical disc games, extra controllers to play multiplayer games on consoles, Offline PC multiplayer via Home Wi-Fi and Home wired Networking maybe more popular in the future since it would cost less to game offline than online.
froggyboy604 said:
If people need to pay more for online gaming, it will hurt Cloud gaming like Onlive, Nvidia Grid, PS Now, etc, and buying games online with Steam, Xbox Live, and

The offline gaming market which include buying physical disc games, extra controllers to play multiplayer games on consoles, Offline PC multiplayer via Home Wi-Fi and Home wired Networking maybe more popular in the future since it would cost less to game offline than online.
problem is that game companies are trying to pull away from physical media. So this could hurt their plans.
I wouldn't mind seeing the push towards an all digital future killed entirely. But I don't think scrapping net neutrality and dealing with price increases is the way to do it.

Because I've stated I refuse an all digital future, let me just be clear... I am not against digital as an option, I am against it as the only option. (I want to be able to walk into a brick and mortar store, buy my game, go home and put the disc/storage device into my console and play without connecting online or checking in home.)
Demon_Skeith said:
problem is that game companies are trying to pull away from physical media. So this could hurt their plans.
Indeed, it will. But, smaller online game companies which make smaller file sized games to sell in the under 1GB file size may become more popular because of the small download size, and high cost of internet, or slower internet download speeds. Minecraft's  file size is only about 50MB in size according to and it can be played offline, and there is also a way to play offline multiplayer if you know how to setup a Minecraft server.