PC gaming hardware market worth $21.5 billion which is twice as much as Game console hardware


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Market analyst firm Jon Peddie Research (JPR) has revealed that the PC gaming hardware market is now worth over $21.5bn (£12.6bn). This figure represents a sum which is over twice that of the console gaming market, according to MCV.

Contrary to the declining overall demand for PC hardware, where casual users are migrating to mobile devices, the research report points out that gaming specific hardware is set to continue to grow significantly over the next three years as PC gamers are now investing more in high end machines and components.

"We continue to see a shift in casual console customers moving to mobile," said Ted Pollak, JPR Senior Analyst. "While this is also occurring in the lower-end PC gaming world, more money is being directed to mid- and high-range builds and upgrades by gamers."

Pollak went on to state that PC gamers are not interested in "pure content consumption platforms," i.e. gaming consoles, and committed PC gamers are willing to pay thousands for "the ability to play games at very high settings" whilst being able to do other desktop tasks such as content creation and video editing "with maximum horsepower at their disposal in a desktop ergonomic environment."

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Wow, PC Gamers buy a lot of hardware.

PC Gamers also enjoy the many game sales which Steam, Gog.com, and Humble Indie where you can buy full new games for a few dollars. Plus, upgrading a $100 videocard, and adding 2-4GB of extra RAM is a lot cheaper than buying a $400-500 console all at once, and also re-buying your older games for new consoles because of no backwards compatibility.

I think one of the other main reason for PC Gaming making so much is because almost everyone needs a desktop PC for doing many different tasks like homework, officework, video editing, and photo editing which is not very enjoyable to do on a laptop or tablet/smartphone because of the slower performance, lower storage space, smaller screen,  smaller keyboard and touchpad.
I'm kind of surprised it isn't more.
I feel once Valve's Steam Machines, Steam Controller and Steam OS is officially release the revenue for PC hardware will be higher because some PC gamers will build their own custom Steam Machine from computer parts which they bought, and there will also be regular people who buy pre-built Steam Machines from Gaming computer makers like Alienware, CyberpowerPC, and iBuypower.
There will also be Windows and Linux Steam Machine clones from PC makers who are not good enough to be allowed to make Steam Machines, or don't want to make Steam Machines, so there could be a lot of PC Console makers from non-Steam machine clones who also want to make TV PC Consoles like the Steam Machines.