PC Gaming: More RAM or new VCard?


Heya, everybody. So I've got this old HP 750n desktop that my dad gave to me awhile back. I mostly use it for gaming and a few other odd tasks here and there, but it's a bit of a dinosaur...made in '02, I think. Even some rather old PC games like Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty 2 and the original Ghost Recon don't run too smoothly on it.

It had 512MB of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce 5500 graphics card in it. After strolling through Best Buy the other day, I decided to upgrade the RAM instead of buying a new graphics card (which would've required a new power source as well). I replaced the two old 256MB RAM sticks with one, new 1GB stick earlier today. Was this the right decision? Would I see better performance results with a new graphics card instead?
So, you have 1 GB RAM? And NVIDIA GeForce 5500 at the moment?
In terms of system memory, I have:
Total Physical Memory: 2,046 MB
Available Physical Memory: 775 MB
Virtual Memory: 5,142 MB max, 3,684 MB available, 1,458 MB in use

Processor is a x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz --- I have a 32-bit Operating System, Windows 6.1.7600 (i.e. Windows 7)

My display adapter is an NVIDIA GeForce 7500 LE
DAC Type = Integrated RAMDAC
Total Available Graphics Memory = 1023 MB (1 GB)
Dedicated Video Memory = 256 MB
System Video Memory = 0 MB
Shared System Memory = 767 MB

My current driver is, dated 09/07/2010
*clicks Update Driver*
"Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date." so that's OK, I guess...

Now, why am I posting this? So you can compare.

I'm going to test my video card and see the results if possible.
If you're trying to get any sort of good performance, you're going to need more than just 1 GB of RAM. No idea about the graphics card, how much memory does it have in it?
I'm not sure if you made the right choice or not, but if you want, download this performance test thing:

It tests all sorts of things such as graphical performance, and other things, and rates it.

Here's my results:
PassMark Rating = 544.3

CPU Mark = 1347.9
*Integer Math = 187.1 MIPS (million instructions/operations per second)
*Floating Point Math = 510.1 MIPS
*Find Prime Numbers = ~425,300 primes per second
*Multimedia Instructions = 4.95 million matrices per second
*Compression = 2274.4 kBytes processed per second
*Encryption = 6.5 MBytes transferred per second
*Physics = 86.1 frames per second
*String Sorting = 1238.1 thousand strings per second

2D Graphics Mark = 321.3
*Solid Vectors = 2.55 thousand vectors drawn per second
*Transparent Vectors = 2.47 thousand vectors drawn per second
*Complex Vectors = 78.3 complex vectors drawn per second
*Fonts and Text = 72.3 operations per second
*Windows Interface = 50.2 operations per second
*Image Filters = 271.6 filters per second
*Image Rendering = 208.7 images per second

3D Graphics Mark = 94.1
*Simple = 106.2 frames per second
*Medium = 26.9 frames per second
*Complex = 11.5 frames per second

Memory Mark = 526.2
*Allocate Small Block = 1956.2 MBytes transferred per second
*Read Cached = 1656.8 MBytes transferred per second
*Read Uncached = 1510.0 MBytes transferred per second
*Write = 1363.4 MBytes transferred per second
*Large RAM = 467.6 operations per second

Disk Mark = 330.7
*Sequential Read = 43.4 MBytes transferred per second
*Sequential Write = 44.5 Mbytes transferred per second
*Random Seek + RW = 3.54 MBytes transferred per second

Try the test and post the results if you wish. If you don't want to type it all out like I did, you can choose to export the results as an image, and upload that.
You might have to make a few decisions. If your budget is limiting, you might end up having to choose console or PC for your FPS's until you get a good income. The reason I am saying this is that PC games are getting so demanding these days that it is kind of all or nothing if your budget can't work it. Your graphics and RAM are kind of mediocre, but there is nothing that isn't doable with your current library of games. It's just, if you are looking at buying more of the newer games, you will have to upgrade both your Graphics Card and RAM.

I'm kind of hesitant to suggest buying anything or not buying anything, because I'm not sure where you stand with the whole PC gaming deal. I'm not going to ask what kind of budget youre on or anything because your business is your business, but a lot of the decision making process is up to you.

If you are dedicated to PC gaming, more so than consoles, and are going to be buying some of the newer games coming out, you might have to be doing some upgrading. Who knows, you might need to change more than your graphics and RAM.

If you are just wanting to play some classic Battlefield 2142, (which I'm assuming this is what you are doing), your computer is probably not even needing an upgrade unless you have got money to blow. The only thing is, do you want better graphics or performance?
Depends, what's your processor? It's more important than RAM.

You made the right choice though. However, as stated earlier, 2GB RAM is basically necessary for gaming, and 4GB is optimal. The graphics card is pretty decent, though.

But as said, if you plan to do heavy gaming, playing on high and such, you will absolutely need to upgrade the graphics and RAM(and CPU if it's crappy too).
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Thanks to all who have replied!

Currently, I'm away from the PC in question, so I'll have to check some of it's additional specs later tonight. I should also mention that this PC does not have internet access, but I did discover last night that it has a GeForce 5200 card, not a 5500.

Thing is, I know that the computer and everything inside of it is pretty meh-ish. However, seeing as some of these games are around 8 years old, I was thinking that the older parts might not be an issue so much. I want to get the most out of these older games without putting down too much cash since I'll probably purchase a replacement CP in a year or two.

Again, thanks for all of the help. I'll post again when I have more detailed specs.
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The easiest way to find out the basic specs is to right click "My Computer", and select "Properties", (which is the same as selecting "System" in the "Control Panel"), and for those who haven't done this before (why not?
), it tells you your Processor, and its speed, the amount of installed RAM you have (not necessarily how much is available), the system type (32-bit, 64-bit etc).

If you want a LOT more details things, go to "Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information"

Here's roughly how this PC (which was built originally in 2006) looks, in terms of technical crap:
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (Version 6.1.7600)
System Type: X86-based PC
Processor: Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Installed RAM: 2.00 GB
Total RAM: 2.00 GB
Available RAM: 552 MB
Total Virtual Memory: 5.02 GB
Available Virtual Memory: 3.69 GB
Page File Spec: 3.02 GB

Going into more detail about the Display device:
Name: NVIDIA GeForce 7500 LE
Adapter RAM: 256.00 MB
Color Table Entries: 4,294,967,296
Resolution: 1440 x 900 x 59 Hz
Bits per pixel: 32

The exact model of this computer is Compaq-Presario RS918AA-ABU SR2149UK
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Trying to get the latest DirectX 9.0c version has proven to be a PITA. But I think I'm done shuttling driver updates onto the pooter via a flashdrive, so I'll go ahead and post the specs:

OS: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version: 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600
System Model: P6319A-ABA 750N
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 CPU ~ 1594 Mhz
Total Physical Memory: 1024 MB
Available Physical Memory: 643.24 MB
Total Virtual Memory: 2 GB
Available Virtual Memory: 1.96 GB
Page File Space: 1.66 GB

And then...
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
Adapter RAM: 128 MB
Color Table Entries: 4,294,967,296
Resolution: 1440 x 900 x 59 Hz
Bits/Pixel: 32
And in slightly unrelated news, on PC 1 (the computer I'm using right now), my download speeds have been atrocious today. Yesterday I was doing just fine at around 40 KB/sec. Now? 5000 B/s (which is funny 'cause, ya know, it's "BS"...heh...).

Then, on PC 2 (the computer this thread is all about), running FRAPS.exe causes the computer to reboot. No warning, just a black screen followed by a full reboot. I've tried re-installing with no luck, and I thought that I met the minimum system requirements for it...hafta double-check.
Yeah, your CPU is your biggest issue. You'll want at least a dual core, and the one you have couldn't be worse unfortunately. A single core 1.5GHz CPU is horrible.
What about a hex-core? (6-core) at over 4 GHz, with 24 GB RAM

Also, I decided to use the performance test on my lap top and compare it to my PC, and here's the results:
  • CPU (1347.9 PC, 1174.9 Laptop, 3487.1 New PC)
    • Integer Math
      187.1 million operations per second (PC)
      167.5 million operations per second (Laptop)
      1,252.6 million operations per second (New PC)
    • Floating Point Math
      510.1 million operations per second (PC)
      449.6 million operations per second (Laptop)
      1,474.9 million operations per second (New PC)
    • Find Prime Numbers
      425.3 thousand primes per second (PC)
      385.3 thousand primes per second (Laptop)
      814.6 thousand primes per second (New PC)
    • Multimedia Instructions
      4.95 million matrices per second (PC)
      3.99 million matrices per second (Laptop)
      9.4 million matrices per second (New PC)
    • Compression
      2274.4 kilobytes processed per second (PC)
      2058.6 kilobytes processed per second (Laptop)
      4353.1 kilobytes processed per second (New PC)
    • Encryption
      6.5 Megabytes processed per second (PC)
      6.0 Megabytes processed per second (Laptop)
      13.8 Megabytes processed per second (New PC)
    • Physics
      86.1 frames per second (PC)
      75.0 frames per second (Laptop)
      193.6 frames per second (New PC)
    • String Sorting
      1238.1 thousand strings per second (PC)
      1100.9 thousand strings per second (Laptop)
      2465.1 thousand strings per second (New PC)
  • 2D Graphics (321.3 PC, 300.7 Laptop, 404.5 New PC)
    • Solid Vectors
      2.55 thousand vectors drawn per second (PC)
      2.31 thousand vectors drawn per second (Laptop)
      1.66 thousand vectors drawn per second (New PC)
    • Transparent Vectors
      2.47 thousand vectors drawn per second (PC)
      2.27 thousand vectors drawn per second (Laptop)
      1.90 thousand vectors drawn per second (New PC)
    • Complex Vectors
      78.3 complex vectors drawn per second (PC)
      94.6 complex vectors drawn per second (Laptop)
      137.7 complex vectors drawn per second (New PC)
    • Fonts and Text
      72.3 operations per second (PC)
      64.1 operations per second (Laptop)
      194.5 operations per second (New PC)
    • Windows Interface
      50.2 operations per second (PC)
      45.4 operations per second (Laptop)
      102.5 operations per second (New PC)
    • Image Filters
      271.6 filters per second (PC)
      242.8 filters per second (Laptop)
      332.0 filters per second (New PC)
    • Image Rendering
      208.7 images per second (PC)
      188.2 images per second (Laptop)
      600.5 images per second (New PC)
  • 3D Graphics (94.1 PC, 240.0 Laptop, 727.3 New PC)
    • Simple
      106.2 frames per second (PC)
      298.0 frames per second (Laptop)
      1066.1 frames per second (New PC)
    • Medium
      26.9 frames per second (PC)
      97.3 frames per second (Laptop)
      217.9 frames per second
    • Complex
      11.5 frames per second (PC)
      28.6 frames per second (Laptop)
      67.4 frames per second
    • DirectX10
      0 frames per second (PC) -- no DirectX 10 capable video devices were found
      1.83 frames per second (Laptop)
      8.1 frames per second (New PC)
  • Memory (526.2 PC, 522.9 Laptop, 1812.6 New PC)
    • Allocate Small Block
      1956.2 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      1683.3 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      6242.2 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Read Cached
      1656.8 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      1507.1 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      2774.5 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Read Uncached
      1510.0 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      1313.4 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      2518.8 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Write
      1363.4 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      1209.4 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      2709.9 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Large RAM
      467.6 operations per second (PC)
      643.2 operations per second (Laptop)
      3780.9 operations per second (New PC)
  • Disk (330.7 PC, 215.0 Laptop, 629.1 New PC)
    • Sequential Read
      43.4 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      28.1 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      85.5 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Sequential Write
      44.5 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      29.0 Megabyes transferred per second (Laptop)
      84.6 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
    • Random Seek + RW
      3.54 Megabytes transferred per second (PC)
      2.29 Megabytes transferred per second (Laptop)
      3.87 Megabytes transferred per second (New PC)
So, as you can see, my laptop is quite slow in the CPU area compared to my PC, but then, the laptop has a 2 GHz CPU and the PC has a 2.1 GHz CPU (omg a 100 MHz improvement
), however, the Laptop more or less pwns the PC in terms of 3D... sure it's no where near as fast as modern computers (OK, this laptop was built in 2008, but I'm talking 2010 or 2011), which can display complex 3D graphics at probably 90-100+ frames per second (Complex 3D graphics, in terms of Performance Test, is, in short, 3D graphics in full screen, e.g. CODBO, on the highest possible settings, at full screen, or something, maybe. Now if a computer can handle the most complex 3D graphics at the absolute MAXIMUM possible quality settings you can set them, in full screen, AND at 1080p (or higher
), at even 90 frames per second, that's somewhat good, right?

EDIT: Now, look at my new PC results, they absolutely THRASH both of them in the 3D graphics area
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