PC RPG Games


Well-Known Member
PC RPG games are my favorite genre, so I was curious if you guys play RPGs on PC, and what your favorite ones are. Mine are definitely the entire Baldur`s Gate Series, the recent Pillars of Eternity and the Deus Ex franchise. I`m really happy that they announced a new Deus Ex at E3. The whole atmosphere of the setting is awesome.
Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 are good options,

  • Rocky
I agree, Torchlight 2 was really really good. I worked as a game tester a few years back, and we tested Torchlight 1. I had tons of fun with it as well. I did not play Diablo 3 so far, it just irks me that you have to go online to play it, plus the thing they did with the auction house. I think Path of Exile is the better choice here.
Divinity Original Sin has to be one of my current favorite RPG games. It has a very old school table top RPG feel with how you can do each character's stats and the way you're able to do combos with spells and environment hazards. Like using oil on the ground to set on fire and you can use it to force enemies to either burn to death fighting in it if they can't move or walk through it and take damage to get to you. OR something like making it rain and then doing an electric based spell to do damage and stun people standing in water and chain AOE. It's a great game, highly recommend it.
If I had a choice, I'd play RPGs exclusively. Sadly they're pretty much a rarity these days. So I have to keep replaying favorites like Dragon Age: Origins, Star Wars: KOTOR, Fallout, etc.  Fallout 4 looks promising, though I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of dialog options I've seen at E3.
I have been playing the Dragon Age Origin game which, you can play as different characters which has a nice story which is well done and a game you are making moral choices. I also have been playing the Witcher game which has lesser evil choices, and you can sometimes not know who to trust at times and the ones who are evil can try to be a good guy which is interesting. I have also started playing the Witcher 3 which has better graphics and controls, which are nice to see in a game and the side quests have more meaning.
I recently got my hands on Risen, Pillars of Eternity and Might and Magic X.
Out of those 3 I gave up on Might and Magic fast... the game just isn't what the series used to be. Pillars of Eternity... still in the early phases but to be honest I'm not too excited about it.

Give Risen a try. It's nothing revolutionary but it's quite fun and provides a decent challenge. It also has 2 sequels so if you like it you won't be running out of games to play anytime soon.
Recettear is good for something different, you run the item shop! It's rather involved in what it has you do. You display items, you take heroes into dungeons for loot, you flip things for profit.

Lisa is a good side-scroller RPG maker hybrid made in RPG Maker. Almost every encounter is unique and it has a great soundtrack and weird humor.  Though it's seriously depressing at times too.
I love Wasteland 2. It's great if you don't mind reading a ton of cool conversation. I also like Skyrim a lot, especially with mods. I spent a few good hundred hours in that one easy :D. Also witcher 2 (haven't played the 3rd one yet); very very good RPG.
gripinghip said:
If I had a choice, I'd play RPGs exclusively. Sadly they're pretty much a rarity these days. So I have to keep replaying favorites like Dragon Age: Origins, Star Wars: KOTOR, Fallout, etc.  Fallout 4 looks promising, though I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of dialog options I've seen at E3.
I agree with you on this one. Quality RPGs seem to be really rare these days. But last year was quite good, with Divinity: Original Sin and Wasteland 2 releasing, along with Might & Magic X. I think the future of RPGs is in the indie market and crowdfunding. And there are quite a few promising titles coming out this and next year, so there is hope yet.
I have yet to get my hands on Pillars of Eternity, though I have it wishlisted on GOG. During the Steam/GMG/GOG sale, I bought a whole bunch of games. I confess though, I regret my massive purchases. I have way too many games I haven't even touched for years!

A few RPG's I am looking forward to playing are or is already playing:

- Fallout 4 (pre-ordered)
- Dead State
- Age of Wonders III
- Game of Thrones
- Shadowrun Dragonfall - Director's Cut

I heard that the GoT RPG wasn't really that great, but I got it through a Humble Bundle some time ago and wanted to see the world of Westeros through a different hands-on experience. I also am about to finish the Shadowrun Dragonfall game. It's a fantastic game with great BGM, art style and game play mechanics. However, I find it a bit lacking in terms of diversity and content. Also, the story is a bit meh.

AoW3 is a mix of turn based strategy with role playing elements. You create a leader with its own name, class and can level him/her up. Your associated military units also level up as the battles come and go. It has an interesting premise, BUT it can get a bit difficult. Also, you can gang up on enemy cities and players. So you can actually have three heroes lay siege to a single enemy city all at once.

Dead State has role playing elements and something I've been looking forward to for a long time. The visuals are meh, but the game play is quite fun.

Of course, who doesn't know about Fallout 4? I own the original Fallout 1 and 2 CD's, I preordered Fallout 3, bought FO New Vegas online and now getting FO4. I considered getting a DVD version of the game, but the massive 30% discount from GMG was too good to pass.
Viorel2 said:
I love Wasteland 2. It's great if you don't mind reading a ton of cool conversation.
I was a bit disappointed by Wasteland 2!
The first Fallout's were my favourite games growing up and I've always been a huge fan of tactical combat in any type of game. So I was really looking forward to Wasteland 2! It did provide me with quite a few hours of entertainment but in the end I felt like it was missing that special something that made me want to play until the end. Somehow the game just didn't manage to keep my attention for that long... it's nice to see these games popping up but this particular one just wasn't as good as I was expecting.
As others have mentioned, I found Wasteland 2 quite interesting. I loved the freedom it provided and the fact that there was not much guidance/hand-holding. It was refreshing to see that in a game nowadays. Haven't finished it yet.

The first RPG I played was probably KOTOR. I loved it. 
Fallout 3 is probably my favorite. 

I'm currently playing Fallout 2 for the first time, I'm interested to see how it goes. So far it's challenging but good. 
crimsonghost747 said:
I was a bit disappointed by Wasteland 2!
There wasn't much encouragement for replay value, even though the game offers the player the ability to seek different ways to do certain things with various factions.

I had started a game with a well rounded crew. I played all the way to the second map and finished about 40% of it too. Then I decided I want to give the whole game another try, this time without using cheats. So I restarted the game, played for about 30 minutes and since two months ago, hadn't played the game again.

I really want to finish the game. I think it reminds me a lot like Fallout New Vegas in terms of ambience, but something just seems lacking. I really want to finish it before Fallout 4 arrives because once FO4 comes out, I would be too disheartened to want to play another post-apocalyptic game.
tiny said:
I really want to finish the game. I think it reminds me a lot like Fallout New Vegas in terms of ambience, but something just seems lacking.
See that is exactly what I mean. Something is missing... but I can't really pinpoint what it is. The whole post apocalyptic scenario is there but the story isn't THAT addictive... and maybe the combat gets a bit boring after a while. I especially hated it how melee is actually pretty strong and just running at people who are behind cover with firearms is a valid tactic. It's not a bad game at all but yeah it's missing a few finishing touches which would make it good.
Well, I have played many and have enjoyed many. RPGs are my favorite genre of games, and PC is the only gaming system that I play on. The ones I currently think of as favorites are definitely the recent Fallout games (can't wait for Fallout 4), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (didn't play the old ones, also excited a bit about the new one), and definitely Oblivion and Skyrim. However, I have played a lot more games than these, and I can sure recommend some depending on what type of RPG games you like. Torchlight, like someone mentioned, is really fun, especially with a friend. The Gothic franchise isn't bad, and if you don't mind bugs and a bad story but nice graphics (they were for the time), then check out Risen. The combat is horrible and you'll probably die to a slightly larger pigeon, but hey it's not bad. Also, if you like retro RPGs, then DEFINITELY check out Aveyond, I don't know where you can buy it currently but try googling it, I'm sure it's for sale somewhere, and of course, Cthulhu Saves the World, which is available on Steam for 1.99€ standard price (you also get Breath of Death, which is another retro-style RPG). 
Fallout series are the best in my honest opinion, mainly because of the really high intestity of the storyline which amazes more and more chapter by chapter. Another one could be also Diablo 3 which is indeed a cool game, even the previous title wasn't too bad actually. Those are the games I've been playing most of the time.
Currently I have been playing Archage, which is a Korean MMORPG. I wish I would have discovered it a long time ago, because I was so obsessed with WoW. But then WoW started to get too easy and there was no more challenge.
I'm hoping the Wasteland 2 Goty Edition fixes a lot of things.

Waiting for checks for pass/fail, aiming at body parts/better combat, better flow, all things the vanilla game suffers from.