PC vs Mobile - What would you choose between the two?


Well-Known Member
Let's say you're stuck on a desert island and can only choose to have a few items with you. You've got a choice to keep your PC or your mobile phone but are only allowed to keep one. 

If I was in that position, I would definitely go with my PC. It would actually be an easy decision to make. After all, my PC is far more versatile than any smart phone available. I would be able to keep myself occupied with all the latest AAA games, do various forms of productive work and a bit of coding.

What would your choice be and why?
If it was a deserted island, it would most likely not have electricity or internet connection, so either of the devices would be pretty useless. If it did had the previously mentioned things, I would choose my PC. It would be a lot more useful than any mobile phone.
PC. Pretty simple really, a pc can do pretty much everythign a phone can but it certainly doesn't work the other way around even if phones have advanced so much in recent years.
PC, no question about it. I don't care that much about my smartphone and a PC is a much more useful device.

As alakazam mentioned, electricity and an internet connection would be required though.

Why is the island deserted by the way? Who handles the electrical and internet distribution if it's deserted? Does everything just magically work? Because I'd really like that.. :p 
This thread seems to be pretty unanimously supporting PC, and I would have to do the same! :grin:

PC gaming is certainly at one of its pinnacles in terms of technology, gaming quality, and whatnot. You would be really hard-pressed to find any sort of mobile device that can keep up with the computers of today. Moreover, many of the features of mobile phones that do not have to do with gaming, like making calls, can be easily replicated on a PC. In fact, the software of the entire device got be emulated on the PC, if you had the right setup and software! Hands down, PC would be the way to go, deserted island or not.
I'm guessing we can't contact anyone on either so I'd say PC, I got my music on there, can do a bit of diary entry etc. until I was rescued :p
I pick PC Gaming since there are more games. I can also play a lot of mobile games on PC with Bluestack Android emulator, and a lot of mobile games are available on the Windows 8/8.1 and 10 download store, and other online stores like Steam where the maker of the mobile game ported the game to PC.
When it comes to going to a desert with whether a PC or mobile, to think realistically, nobody wants to do that, just because a desert isn't an ideal place to live in. Besides the computer problem, we also control a host of other problems, so it isn't really advisable to go there, in the first place. And besides, the thing you want to do in a desert, is survive. And a phone's the best thing out there, it's mobile, it's smart, and healthy. Healthy in the sense that while a PC'll make you sit on a chair, phones can be in your pocket and you can roam the desert in such of an oasis or people who can book your ticket back to your home country.

That was my two penny.
Since everyone has chosen the PC for the same/similar reasons I would choose one, I will play the Devil's Advocate and choose the highest-end mobile phone. Reason being that I will get quite bored with it eventually. I may call my family members and tell them I am on a deserted island, but I'm okay. It might take them a long time to find me though, since the GPS is probably not working. However, the reason why getting bored with it is important is that if I had a desktop, I may be glued to it so much that I forget I am in the middle of a deserted island. Mind you, when you say "deserted", I am guessing there is no other human around. So that means there are probably wild animals around.

With that said, since I will get bored with the mobile phone and won't spend much time on it, I will spend more time learning how to fish, hunt, make better fires, learn better building techniques and keep myself aware of my surroundings. If I had a PC, I might be playing Space Hulk Ascension all day and then WHACK, a tiger attacks and kills me. ^_^
My PC, definitely. To be honest I'm living in a hermit sort of lifestyle at the moment lol, so it's close to a deserted island in someways. I play games all day (for as long as I can, before summer holiday ends). I use my PC all day but only use my phone when access to my PC isn't possible, like on bus rides. Gaming n my phone is only a pastime thing for me, but on PC... It's a lifestyle lol. It has all those games with amazing stories and worlds, and great gameplay experience aided with the mouse and keyboard rather than a touch screen, I wouldn't find any of that on my phone.
I'm gonna assume that this Island has electricity and internet and everything I would need. Cause if I had to fight for my life and hunt, etc, I don't know what help either of those would be :grin:. But considering those things, I would choose my PC, of course. Plenty more things to do on PC. I don't know why anyone would choose their phones.. unless if they could call for help.
MattMin3 said:
I can't really understand why anyone would pick mobile over PC if they really are a true gamer. Mobile has their pros, no doubt. They offer countless of high quality addictive casual games and they satisfy our need for mobile gaming. But for true gamers, the real meat of the games comes from the PC where most of our favorite games comes from anyways. For example, I love playing Counter-Strike on the PC, but can you imagine the game on mobile? That would be a huge nightmare. Like I said, mobile has it's ups but more downs than ups compared to the PC. 
This is a forum for dedicated gamers, most of us like our PCs. Unfortunately this is not true for the rest of society, they would likely choose their mobiles. You won't believe the amount of people I encounter that don't own a computer in this day and age. These very same people happen to own 2-3 smart phones but could care little about investing even in an entry-level laptop.

Anyway it's good to know that folks on this forum would keep their PCs.  ^_^
I'd take my PC. It's a no brainer. I'd take it along with some good games and I'll be happy.

And, assuming it's your basic desert island with the one palm tree thing seen in most pictures, I'd take an exercise bike and run it as a generator to "charge up" power so I can use my PC.
I would also easily choose a PC over my mobile phone. The games on PC are much better - I do like mobile and casual gaming too, but let's face it, they're still not quite as good as PC or Console games. Plus, with a PC you can do so much more. I use a program when I'm home/too lazy to grab my phone that's charging in another room, that allows me to text people from my PC. I can also make calls using google or skype, or set up my own teamspeak server if I wanted to do group calls. So I could still keep in touch with friends/family/online friends. Plus the PC can do a lot of other stuff too, from word processing, to video editing, to web design, and much more. So if I got bored of my games, I could find something creative to play with on my computer.

Honestly, I feel like I'm on a deserted island most of the time in my day to day life. I have only a handful of friends, and I'm at that age now, where most of them have moved, live with, or are married to their SOs, have kids, or are busy with their own life. So I see my very best friend of 25+ years, maybe twice a year since she moved about 6 hours away. I really don't have much contact with the outside world except for spending time with my family a lot. My PC is kinda my window to the outside world, and I get everything from news, social interaction, movies, games, and work done with my PC.

PC for sure
AlexKid said:
This is a forum for dedicated gamers, most of us like our PCs. Unfortunately this is not true for the rest of society, they would likely choose their mobiles. You won't believe the amount of people I encounter that don't own a computer in this day and age. These very same people happen to own 2-3 smart phones but could care little about investing even in an entry-level laptop.

Anyway it's good to know that folks on this forum would keep their PCs.  ^_^
A lot of people think they get their smartphones for free or a low price when they agree to a 2 year or longer Smartphone contract where they pay $100 or more a month.

I think the only people who pick mobile over PC for gaming are people who are too cheap to buy a PC, but are willing to sign-up for a long cell phone contract to get a smartphone which they think they are getting for free or low price.
I would of course pick PC. There aren't many games on a mobile platform and PCs are way more powerful. It is odd though to get stuck on a deserted island with a PC though. If I could use my PC on a deserted island, I would get myself unstuck by emailing or Skyping someone for help!