Penguin movie discussion


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I watched this movie recently and it's pretty good.
It's all about how a pregnant lady tried to protect and unravel the secret behind her son's disappearance.
Do watch it if you haven't already
Well that's a short story movie with a huge time lag can be watched for first time in my opinion
Well that's a short story movie with a huge time lag can be watched for first time in my opinion
I do agree
My mom got a little upset after watching it. She believes jealously alone can't make people behave that way...I suppose... She can be very innocent :)
Am I not I was like why did I watched this movie without talking to my friends about its story / review before I start to watch this
Am I not I was like why did I watched this movie without talking to my friends about its story / review before I start to watch this
Oh.. So I take it you are not into psychological stuff at all....
Usually girls can't handle this and people like me are rare. Even my mom was pretty upset. So don't worry about it
Oh.. So I take it you are not into psychological stuff at all....
Usually girls can't handle this and people like me are rare. Even my mom was pretty upset. So don't worry about it
Well I try to watch every movie but I'm not sure why I don't liked this one maybe due to small story and movie is hours of lag
Well I try to watch every movie but I'm not sure why I don't liked this one maybe due to small story and movie is hours of lag
Hmm..I thought it's pretty detailed.
That actress is good. She acted on Mahanati too and she is very talented xD
Hmm... To be honest it's like another English movie setting
You don't see such stuff around us. Wouldn't you agree kiddo?
I do agree with but most of the films now depends on what's happening around us some were good some may not be we can't do anything right
I do agree with but most of the films now depends on what's happening around us some were good some may not be we can't do anything right
That's true
It's just that, we have to be careful and we can't really judge someone anymore based on their interactions among