People are buttmad on the internet


Space Cowboy

Wow, this game got even more pointless than it already was. So about 10+ years as vapourware and this is a feature announcement? Instead of you know, some relevant info about interesting stuff?
Wow. This is repulsive to say it in one word.
To be completely honest I think there are much worse things about the game other then being able to smack ass, as sexist as it is.
I don't think it's that big of a deal, really. Commiting atrocious crimes in GTA is accepted (and often praised), but smacking a woman in a videogame isn't? Come on now. It's a game, and it's clearly making fun of the objectification of women. I'm not offended in any way. In fact, I'll probably laugh my butt off when I get the game. It's not like it's actually encouraging sexism, just as video games in general aren't encouraging you to go out and shoot the next person you meet in the face. I think it's kinda funny.
You abduct women. All it does is stay in line with the campaigns story. I see no reason for people to be getting butthurt over a simple thing. And as Ilu pointed out, there are worse things like GTA.

I'm still exited for this game, no matter what may be in it.
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