People Are Gaming A Lot More Since COVID-19


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A new study has shown in numbers what we've already discovered anecdotally--gaming has surged in popularity in the last few years, and even more so since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The report by The NPD Group shows not only that more people in the United States are gaming since 2018, they're also playing more often, and across more different platforms.
As of 2020, three out of every four Americans play video games, according to the survey, an increase of 32 million people since 2018. They’re also spending more time playing--the category of gamers playing less than five hours a week decreased 8% since 2018 to a total of 39%, while gamers playing 5-15 hours increased 2% to 32% total, and those playing over 15 hours per week increased 6% to make up 20% of players in the US. The number of gamers using more than one device increased from 59% in 2018 to 65% in 2020.
The latest survey taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the report also collected data on how the pandemic has changed the way we play. Unsurprisingly, 35% of gamers reported that they were playing games more often due to the lockdown. Six percent of gamers said that they started using a new device that meant buying a console or taking up gaming on a phone or computer they already owned--due to the COVID-19 lockdown. After the lockdown created a complete shortage of Nintendo Switches.
Lie anything else things goes up and down. Not surprised though. People being at home for weeks and months not able to travel or do anything. With the lockdown they are bored and so people just started doing far more gaming that allows them not to be bored.

Look at Netflix, they had more new users joining in the last 6 months more than the full year of 2018
Empire pretty much said it all. With a lot of people not being able to leave their home due to Covid-19, they are playing more video games than they normally do (or there may be more people getting into video games in the first place as a way to relieve themselves of boredom).
There have been a lot of free games giveaway, good sales on games on Steam, and many free games like Fortnite, so I think more people are playing games because they got a lot if new games, and they now have more time to play games because of the Coronavirus lockdown.
Lie anything else things goes up and down. Not surprised though. People being at home for weeks and months not able to travel or do anything. With the lockdown they are bored and so people just started doing far more gaming that allows them not to be bored.

Look at Netflix, they had more new users joining in the last 6 months more than the full year of 2018
Empire pretty much said it all. With a lot of people not being able to leave their home due to Covid-19, they are playing more video games than they normally do (or there may be more people getting into video games in the first place as a way to relieve themselves of boredom).
Well yeah gaming is not much more while comparing to watching films since they can just sit back and relax
I do both, gaming and films, well most will do the same. Game in the day and night then very late night or in the morning watch a film
Some people may also be game streaming on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Gaming, etc, so they earn a few extra dollars from game streamung sites, Paypal donations, Patreon, and ads on their personal website if they embed their game streams on their site.
I can definitely say that this has been my experience as well. Ok so maybe not so much of the "gaming" aspect, but I have definitely been spending a whole lot more time online since covid hit. This is literall the one time in my life where sitting at home being a bum on the couch is praised by public standards, so I am milking it and taking advantage of it while I can lol.

I still work full-time though...I am not a "complete bum"...
Not surprised. A lot of people have more time at home and with some people being furloughed over here in the UK, there was a lot of free time to play games. I managed to get a lot of playtime on GTA Online as well before I started my new job.