People who complain about free software.


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I notice some software developers or people say freeware is hard to compete with since it is free.

There are other people who say free ware contains viruses, malware, and other nasty surprises. But, the people do not say which titles or just stereotype all free software as inferior.

People who complain that free software is taking sales away from their overall sales should just work harder and make a more competitve product that people want to buy.

The people who say free software is less secure should do more research then generalizing free software as insecure and try AVG, Avast, Comodo firewall, and spybot which are great free products.

But, people who say free software is communist should learn more about communism before making such a stereotype.
Eek, I may avoid getting Freeware programs if they possibly contain all that crap!
To be safe, you should only download software you know is spyware and virus free like firefox, gimp, google chrome, and software listed on . Just read a bunch of reviews before you download or install software from the web.
When searching for freeware to use, always read the reviews about it. Sometimes freeware isn't completely free because some features are disabled unless you buy an upgraded version. Also some freeware may have some compatibility issues with your operating system. And more importantly, always download from well trusted freeware services.