People who join a forum, blog, or social site, but are not active


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I wonder why they join in the first place since joining and not being active is somewhat a waste of time since it takes about a minute to join.
QUOTE (hcfwesker @ June 14, 2009 08:45 pm) aome may think the forum is cool, and want to be a member; but, I'll be honest, some don't understand how to post; and I'm serious.

My forum, alot find through google, and they've never heard of a forum, before findiung my site, trying to find people to brawl online.

I have to walk them slowly through the process.
your kidding me right? They join not knowing how to use a forum? Thats kind of sad but I wish they seek out the staff to help with that.

another reason why they don't become active maybe because after joining they don't quite like the final look that of a member gets.
You be surprised at how computer illeterate some people are there are some people who don't know how to use twitter, e-mail, blogs. This is kind of sad how internet illeterate some people are these days.

I sometimes join, but notice the forum is very slow, so I don't be active since it takes too long to load a page.
QUOTE (hcfwesker @ June 14, 2009 08:45 pm) aome may think the forum is cool, and want to be a member; but, I'll be honest, some don't understand how to post; and I'm serious.

My forum, alot find through google, and they've never heard of a forum, before findiung my site, trying to find people to brawl online.

I have to walk them slowly through the process.
First time Internet and forum users. This is why every forum software provides a Help guide for users to know how a forum works, and how to get involved in a discussion.

The Help guides that every forum software has aren't there to make the forum look good, but to guide users through the message board experience.
I agree with you that people should read the help guides for forum, but sadly, I feel not many people are into reading help guides.

I think video are a good way to teach people how to use forums since they tend to be less wordy or dry.

Like this guy who teaches people on youtube how to post a picture on forums:
I don't understand either. I have 277 members on my forum yet only about 20 are active, like wth? The amount of people who sign up but don't even come back after signing up is really stupid...why sign up in the first place? It's not like 'don't like the look of the place, etc' is valid as most forums are guest friendly so you can browse before you join.
I read some people mostly spambots join just to promote their own forum like puting links in their signature, PM spam people to tell them to join and website review forums.
Most sites I join have something to prevent the accumulation of members called Activity checks
They say at a certain time that they will have a check to see who's active
They open a thread and the person has to show a post they made in a certain amount of days
Those who do not post have their accounts deleted a day or two later unless they posted in the "absent" forum.