Do you hear "I learn by doing" from people who don't really do their homework, wait till the last minute, and people who do not read or do assignments?
If I ask them what they do, they sometimes said, "I didn't finish my homework, or went out partying."
I feel the term "I learn by doing." can be used as a lame excuse for not handing in homework by some lazy students.
I think you need to learn the basic stuff in school or from another source like website, video, or book before you can do much like make a website.
I do get a grasp of something better by doing it instead of listening. and really I never did like homework which is why I always got it done in schools.
Same for me. I finish most of my homework in school, and ask the smart kids and teachers for answers/help, so I didn't really do much homework at home. I mostly go online, watch TV and play games when I'm at home.
Plus, lunch and recess were so boring since there was no TV, anime or manga, the internet and computer speeds were very slow in the library, so I might as well finish my homework after eating or during break.
I only do homework which is for marks, but hardly do non-mark homework. Those homework marks really add up if you just care about passing a course and geting 50%-60% of the answers right on the test.
Plus, most teachers I had took examples from the homework, and just change a few facts and numbers, so I hardly need to study or read and I still get a decent mark. If I just study the homework answers, examples from notes, and how to do them. I can save hours of studying.
A lot of the time I just look for the answers for the homework in the book, and skip most of the paragraphs which are not that related to the answer. It saves me a lot of time.