People who text and fall down, or run into things, What you think?


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I think people who text while walking should watch where they are going, or have a buddy or dog walk with them to warn them of stairs, and traffic.
What do I think? They make me laugh and are great material for the internet :D
I agree, these videos usually go viral in less then a day, and the fail texter is shamed world wide since News channels like ABC, CNN, and even local news now browse YouTube for these funny videos on YouTube.

Plus, now with Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, your friends and co-workers, family, etc who gossip about you being in a viral video will make your name and other info visible to everyone since privacy settings on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums are usually set to public by most uninformed users, or public because almost all forums and blogs are set to public. A lot of colleges also have forums and blogs for students to use to post topics on.
I heard that some place in the US is making texting while walking illegal to make it safer for people, but I think giving people tickets for texting while walking is just another way the law is used to help make money for the local police department and city like parking tickets.
I prefer to text someone while sitting some where in a safe place rather than hitting my head first on an iron pole or worse getting run down by a vehicle xD