People who type words badly online does it annoy you?


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Does it annoy you when people type badly .


"THIS, or llllliiiikkkkkeeeee ThIssssss or HaVe A WeIrD CaPaTaliZation TyPing Style thiNKing iT is CoOL l00king. or think it is Gr8 2 Type with Number$ or $ymb0|$ which look @W3$0M3"

It does not really bother me unless they are chatting with me directly on MSN with a weird typing style.
You have no idea how much it annoys me when someone types like that all the time. Every now and then is ok, but people who's grammar sucks just irk me. XD
It only annoys me when the information is important.

Other than that, it's the Internet. People normally use slang.

Although I don't support the idea, I'm fine with it, but just don't over do it, ;)
It also can be pretty annoying when people uses character map characters like ﻤ ﻤ† ﻤ†↕§©Òå ﻤ†↕§©Ò媪ªªªªªªªªªª in their writing.
How can you use a character map in writing? I've seen it used in names, but that usually looks cool.
How can you use a character map in writing? I've seen it used in names, but that usually looks cool.
In your user name it looks fine.

It also can be pretty annoying when people uses character map characters like ﻤ ﻤ† ﻤ†↕§©Òå ﻤ†↕§©Ò媪ªªªªªªªªªª in their writing.
But, seeing someone posting a message with this spam is truly annoying.
You use the Character map program built-into Windows. It is found in Start Menu> All Programs> Accessories > Character Map.