Does it annoy you when people type badly .
"THIS, or llllliiiikkkkkeeeee ThIssssss or HaVe A WeIrD CaPaTaliZation TyPing Style thiNKing iT is CoOL l00king. or think it is Gr8 2 Type with Number$ or $ymb0|$ which look @W3$0M3"
It does not really bother me unless they are chatting with me directly on MSN with a weird typing style.
"THIS, or llllliiiikkkkkeeeee ThIssssss or HaVe A WeIrD CaPaTaliZation TyPing Style thiNKing iT is CoOL l00king. or think it is Gr8 2 Type with Number$ or $ymb0|$ which look @W3$0M3"
It does not really bother me unless they are chatting with me directly on MSN with a weird typing style.