Yes, I find it offensive when people use the word "gay" to insult someone even though I am not gay. Since there's nothing wrong with being gay, so why should people use the word to insult stuff that they find dumb.
Ill be honest that I use the phrases "That's gay." or "You're gay." as jokes, but I don't use it to associate as being gay is an insult. I could be perfectly happy saying "Wow, that's corn." to someone. Is corn bad? No, I love corn. It's just a word to put into the phrase. I don't even spell it "gay". I roll with "ghey". Same sound, perhaps same meaning to you, but I don't mean it in an offensive way.
Im very much a supporter of gay rights. I find it stupid that states wont allow gay marriages or that they cannot serve in the military openly. To me, it's just down-right ridiculous.
Yet I also find it ridiculous about how offended people get about certain things.
If someone calls me a cracker, I won't be offended. I am white. Cracker is just a word. "Oh, you're such a cracker." Okay, cool. Use that phrase all you want. I don't find it offensive. It might be saying that being white is a bad thing, but I know it's not.
Just like I know being gay is not a wrong or bad thing. So why should I consider calling someone "gay" bad? I don't, therefor it's not offensive in my eyes and is why it should not be offensive to others.
Perhaps my logic and reasoning is different from the rest of the world, but if you truly believe that being gay is not a bad thing, then when someone says "That's gay", it won't offend you.
^Same. I agree with that completely. I don't take offense to those things either, and your not the only one thinking that way. In all honestly, I do use it like that too. I'm not proud of it, and it's something I'm trying to do less of. People say it all the time, so it catches on, but I hate that it is used as an insult. If you actually mean it, not my problem, but I don't agree with that.
Well, I personally don't use the phrase "gay" as an insult, but I won't be insulted by it, though, you might not want to say faggot around me because I will fucking rip your goddamned throat out.
I've changed my view since then. I absolutely hate it when people use gay, fag, or faggot bluntly like that. It's annoying, and I refrained from saying it for a few months now, and I've told people to stop using it, so I'm proud of that.
The word "gay" is now used among the younger portion of society. The majority of them use it as their stupid. Little do they know, they're saying everything like the same sex.
My frinds don't use the word "gay" to insult others or joke around anymore. They use a combination of profanity and a random objects to make an interesting phrase but also offensive. :teehee:
The more you say gay, the more it's likely to end up that you are one or you'll be one SOON. :thumbsup:
I also don't like it when people point out other people as 'gay'. :emo-wallbash: Majority thinks of it as being 'homosexual' rather than being a coward which is the main point of using the word.
I don't use this word as a profanity, because some of my friends are LGBT activists. While I'm not part of them, nor do I approve of homosexuality, I find it unnecessary to discriminate against them simply because they have made their sexual orientation known.
People have rights to choose what they want to do, and I have absolutely no right to discriminate or talk down on them simply because they are not the majority.
I find in more annoying than offensive. The reason being is that it seems to be one of those words that has spread around and eventually changed in meaning. Most that say it probably don't mean it as it is interpreted. It's simply a word to fill in their gaps.. So I guess you could say it is lack of thought, vocabulary, or possibly, intelligence. Though I wouldn't necessarily go there. So, yeah, it annoys me at most.