Persona Q English E3 Trailer


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soooooo want!
Demon_Skeith said:
I wish it's release date was sooner.
Agreed! Then again, I'm expecting a lot of sales for Atlus 3DS games between that date and now, which is great. 
Yes, that stuff. The picture wasn't posting from my phone for some reason... Oh well.

Also the new Persona 4 Arena game comes with the other half of the tarrot card set.
I'm a big Persona and Etrian Oddysey fan, so I really can't wait for this game. It looks fantastic.  However, I am slightly disappointed that the price for the game is at 50$, compared to the standard 3DS price of 40$.
That's so cool! They all look so cute and chibi-fied, and after playing Persona 4 Arena (the version without Junpei and Yukari) I'm eager for another crossover. It turns out that they all make a really great team.

Ridge said:
Also the new Persona 4 Arena game comes with the other half of the tarot card set.
Shrewd marketing move, that. I was wondering why there were only 11 cards in the collector's edition for this one.

If they ever made a full 78-card deck, I would be so happy... even more so if the pips were fully illustrated, because I love the conceptual sort of stained glass art style of the major arcana. I don't recall ever getting a glimpse of the court cards, only mention/effect of them as a status boost item.
Elly said:
Shrewd marketing move, that. I was wondering why there were only 11 cards in the collector's edition for this one
You also get an inflatable Teddie with the special edition(or maybe preorder bonus) of the new Arena.
I'm so hyped for this... Persona series are absolutely awesome. I love that the collector's edition includes Tarot Cards, will have to get it now  :whistling:
There's even going to be multiple plotlines, which means more replayability!
I have never played Persona before and it seems fun, is this one of those games that you need to play the past ones to understand the story or can I just start from anywhere? I want to know because I might buy this one for the 3DS!
LightJeep said:
I have never played Persona before and it seems fun, is this one of those games that you need to play the past ones to understand the story or can I just start from anywhere? I want to know because I might buy this one for the 3DS!
Most Persona games have new characters and just deal with similar concepts and mechanics. This game however is kind of the exception to that rule. I'm not sure how easy it'll be for people to just just in. Hopefully pretty easy since no Persona games have come out on Nintendo systems.. But that being said, I'm playing through Persona 3 right now so I know who everyone is.
LightJeep said:
I have never played Persona before and it seems fun, is this one of those games that you need to play the past ones to understand the story or can I just start from anywhere? I want to know because I might buy this one for the 3DS!
You should be able to play it without playing P3 and P4 but to get the most out of the game you will need to play them.
LightJeep said:
I have never played Persona before and it seems fun, is this one of those games that you need to play the past ones to understand the story or can I just start from anywhere? I want to know because I might buy this one for the 3DS!
You might need to have played Persona to understand Persona: Innocent Sin and Persona: Eternal Punishment.

You definitely do not need to play any of the above to play Persona 3. That's where I started.

And you definitely don't need to play Persona 3 to understand Persona 4, except for when they take a field trip to the land of nudge-wink shout-outs and callbacks, and even then the Persona 3 characters will casually overshare why you might find them interesting (in case you don't already care from watching Persona 3).

But Persona Q...? This is the second full-on crossover that's not only nudgewink shoutout, but actual meetings face-to-fist. (Well, it was like that the first crossover but maybe they'll all be friends now.) The cast of both Persona 3 and Persona 4 met in Persona Arena (hence the fist-to-face) where each character does so much exposition and monologuing that I doubt you would need to have played 3 and 4.

Although, I really, really, really care about and love the characters of course because I went
through those hundred hours with them in their respective games, so I would also say to get the most out of the game (by spending the least) then at least play Persona 3 and Persona 4. It doesn't even have to be their "unabridged" version (like Persona 3 FES which had another "chapter" to the story added, P3P which is Persona 3 on the handheld with extra features and new characters and an entirely alternate storyline... and Persona 4 Golden, which has new features and characters and a few add-on storylines as well.)

And... I'm not sure, but I suspect that it would really help to have played Persona 4 Arena, before playing Persona Q.

(Was there a re-release of Arena that included Junpei and Yukari, who were absent in the first release? I keep forgetting.)
Wow, well I guess I will start playing the PSP versions just to get a better understanding of the game mechanics and know what to expect from future games. I bet this will be another series that I will be able to add as one of my favorite games, I will try to play all the Persona games that you guys mentioned, it will be an interesting journey.
qag said:
I'm a big Persona and Etrian Oddysey fan, so I really can't wait for this game. It looks fantastic.  However, I am slightly disappointed that the price for the game is at 50$, compared to the standard 3DS price of 40$.
Might be better to wait for a discount then. Look at SMT4 for example (which is priced at $50), it's now available for $25 US until June 30th I think. 