Pet Peeves

People who join the site and not post :P
I used to run into people like this more often anymore, but people who have I guess bipolar opinions on stuff. Like one week they’re obsessed with something, and then another week they hate it and don’t see why they ever enjoyed it in the first place, then another week they’re back to liking it and don’t know why they hated it.

It’s pretty annoying trying to talk to those people, because you never know which mood they’re in.
to be fair, people do have bad days.

True. Everybody has a bad day from time to time.

But if I'm having a bad day, I don't go taking it out on someone else either. I'll stay at home so at least the rest of the world doesn't have to deal with me. I'll go read, which normally relax's me.
People who think they are better than others. I tell people I believe in Equal not More Rights. But sometimes that can be misconstrued as well. I would like people to be human BEings. Emphasis on the BE part. Follow the golden rule, Do unto others...
It may seem kind of irrational, but it drives me crazy when people don't return their carts to the cart receptacles.
It may seem kind of irrational, but it drives me crazy when people don't return their carts to the cart receptacles.

LOL I hear my hubby talk about this same thing. It drives him crazy when there is a cart coral 2 feet away and someone one push the cart into there. He's like, "Really?"
LOL I hear my hubby talk about this same thing. It drives him crazy when there is a cart coral 2 feet away and someone one push the cart into there. He's like, "Really?"

Yes!!! On the flip side I practically want to hug or cheer on those that actually put their carts back. It's just common courtesy but such a rarity to witness sometimes. Some people could care less about returning their carts.
Yes!!! On the flip side I practically want to hug or cheer on those that actually put their carts back. It's just common courtesy but such a rarity to witness sometimes. Some people could care less about returning their carts.

People leave their baskets in front of the exit all the time. We will get dinged for a safety violation by the corporate office because you can't have anything blocking the exits in the event that there is a fire. So, I'm constantly having to go put up people's baskets because they are too lazy to walk the extra couple of steps to put it back into the coral.
People leave their baskets in front of the exit all the time. We will get dinged for a safety violation by the corporate office because you can't have anything blocking the exits in the event that there is a fire. So, I'm constantly having to go put up people's baskets because they are too lazy to walk the extra couple of steps to put it back into the coral.

customers are always lazy.
My personal pet peeve though really is I hate being late. I get really stressed out when I feel like I'm going to be late for something. I don't mind so much when others are late interestingly enough though. I'm fairly forgiving there however, I don't like it when people complete flake out on me.
Most are, yes. I try to put the cart back in a coral of some sorts so that it's not in anybody's way.

I hate the idea of a cart hitting someone's car or God forbid an elder person or child even that's why I don't have a problem returning my cart where it belongs. I think this is also the reason why I try to park close to a coral just to make sure it's easy for me to put up!
My hubby does the same thing. He likes parking next to the coral out in the parking lot. He can put the cart up without having to actually go back inside the building.
My personal pet peeve though really is I hate being late. I get really stressed out when I feel like I'm going to be late for something. I don't mind so much when others are late interestingly enough though. I'm fairly forgiving there however, I don't like it when people complete flake out on me.

I feel like this sometimes.