Petition to Remove GameSpot and its Sponsors from Metacritic


Well-Known Member
The author of the petition writes: "We the games community, based on the recent events that have transpired with the game review conglomerate hereby present the following petition to Metacritic's chief operations officer in charge of content.

On November 29, 2007 fired its chief editor in charge of game reviews Jeff Gerstmann. Because of a number of issues relating to game reviews, a number of employees left GameSpot completely even while their reviews are still up on that site. In the process, it became immediately clear that GameSpot's reviews are largely inconsistent as well as possibly fraudulent for certain games across all platforms.

We as gamers can not, and will not tolerate shady business practices in the video games industry as in the end that ruins gaming for everyone who will not tow the line".

news 4 gamers
Hmm, what are the gamers gonna get their reviews from now, besides G4 and IGN?
I read the comments by N4G users, I was displeased. Most of the comments aren't helping and I'm not gonna bother signing up and giving my opinion. GameSpot can still fix this if they hire a new Chief Editor in charge of games. Plus, fire the ones that's not honest about the reviews and focus on a certain console, and replace them with the ones who are honest on giving the reviews on all the platforms. We need honest people in a certain company who can do their job right and not be shady on some game review, everyone's like that. Look at Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, they sometimes give bad reviews on certain games and that doesn't really bother me. I just want a game that's worth owning and playing, so I, and the consumers who buy the games, enjoy it.
BTW, when I was looking through the N4G site, I saw a link of Destuctoid making fun of Gamespot. Here's the image:


Here's the site: GameWh0re
You see the image I posted right? That's the header from the Cashwh0re (Destructoid site). I apologize Demon for DP.