Phil Spencer: Kinect pre-order numbers are 'good,' Microsoft will 'work hard to fill out the demand'


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During an interview with Joystiq at a Kinect pre-launch event in San Francisco, Microsoft Games Studios veep Phil Spencer told us that early retail indication for Kinect is showing strong interest in the new platform. "Pre-order numbers are good," he said. "The retail channel seems to be excited for what we're doing. We feel good about our supply that we can build. I imagine we're going to have to work hard to fill out the demand that's out there, is kind of our sense, but we're willing to work hard so that's fine."

It's good to hear Microsoft is willing to put the work in, since Ubisoft's VP of sales and marketing, Tony Key, thinks the device will be "sold out" at launch. You can look forward to our full interview with Spencer on Monday, which discusses everything from the upcoming Kinect launch to Xbox 360 S dominance in North America over the past four months, and even the PlayStation Move.


Impressive, never saw MS Kinect will have such a high demand.