Photorealism or Game Mechanics ?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

As a game developer, I'm curious about what players prioritize more when it comes to their gaming experience. Do you find yourself more drawn to games that boast photorealistic graphics, or do you value engaging and innovative game mechanics more?

I'm trying to get a sense of what players find most important and why. Is there a particular game that exemplifies your preference? How do you feel about the balance between graphics and gameplay in your favorite games?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Both. jk

Photorealism takes forever to make. I have no idea how AAA studios even do it. It's not the quads and tris that get you. It's the UV map work that makes it all pass the illusion while being made on high-performance PCs.

So to put it in scale, the gameplay has to come first. You can have a great-looking game without photorealism. It can be stylized, and animated, with low framerates and players would love it. Pseudoregalia hit the internet with wildfire. Retro games are known for great gameplay like Spyro, Wario Land 2, and Metroid. Those days are past and people look for quality. It is easier to make quality, but it has to make sense and deliver what no one has thought of before. Mechanics is a generalized term for computer logic.
I do like graphics and I will admit that trailers with good graphics always peak my attention much more than the ones without however I think gameplay loop being fun is the most important feature of a game now. Nothing else.
I prefer fun and interesting gameplay over photo-realistic graphics. Some of my favorite games like Final Fantasy 8, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, and Golden Sun did not have photo-realistic graphics, but I enjoyed the gameplay, story-line, and relatable characters.
As a gamer, I'd say it's fascinating for a game mechanics to be engaging . And I'm always hooked when games that introduce new mechanics.
For me, the gameplay is the king. However, it's so important to also know that graphics can enhance the overall experience as well.
I am a casual player and I need a game with good graphics as well as good gameplay. I need a balance between graphics and game mechanics. I do not enjoy games that have bad graphics and I do not like the games that do not have good gameplay.