Piercing guns

I don't think the general public should have access to them. They should only have airsoft and paintball guns. In war I'm okay with it because... well that is obvious.
I don't think the general public should have access to them. they should only have airsoft and paintball guns. In war I'm okay with it because... well that is obvious.

thing is, if people get hold of real guns. your kind of screwed with airsoft or paintball. for if you try to stop a robber with a paintball gun and he/she pulls out a shot gun, your paintball gun is going to go limp and your going to run away screaming shit, lol.
Aren't piercing guns use to poke holes in people's ear, nose, private parts, and other areas, so people can use their newly created body holes for inserting a ear ring, or stud?

I think only people who know how to pierce people ears in a healthy way should use them since if you do not clean the gun well, you can get AID, STD, and other types of health problems related to touching other people's blood and skin residue.
thing is, if people get hold of real guns. your kind of screwed with airsoft or paintball. for if you try to stop a robber with a paintball gun and he/she pulls out a shot gun, your paintball gun is going to go limp and your going to run away screaming shit, lol.
lol Good point. Then it should only be used by adults in emergency situations, unless the adult has been wounded. People would abuse that though, so it should be really hard to get.

And paintball guns hurt really bad by the way...