Pirates Vs. Ninjas Rundown


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Below is an exclusive first look at all the special abilities of each dodgeball-playing assassin on this Xbox Live Arcade title.

Name: Hideki Miyamoto

Age: 80

Hometown: Born in Osaka, Japan

Special Move: Hideki’s suit is able to cloak giving himself temporary invulnerability to

Background:Hideki grew up in Osaka and was introduced to Ninjitsu by his uncle at the age of 3. He became quite infatuated with this form of martial arts…often training for many hours a day. He joined the Takahashi Ninja Clan at 16 and rose very quickly within their ranks. When their leader, Nobuo, was killed he took over the clan and renamed them Miyamoto.

Tragedy struck Hideki when he was attacked by the Silver Crescent’s during a recent raid on his village. They managed to beat him in battle sending him to Davy Jones locker. But as luck would have it ED-109 of the Robot faction managed to salvage what was left of the Ninja leader by downloading all his thoughts into a positronic matrix and giving him a new cyber suit. When Hideki woke up he snuck out of the Robot Factory and rejoined his Ninja clan.

Name: Kasumi Yamamoto

Age: 25

Hometown:Sapporo, Japan

Special Move: Kasumi headbutts her opponent causing them to be temporarily stunned.

Background: Kasumi joined the Miyamoto clan at the young age of 18. She can be considered a prodigy of Ninjitsu as she started training at 10. Kasumi proved her skills when she singlehandedly fought off several Silver Crescent Pirates as they were trying to raid her seaport. Hideki noticed her exceptional abilities and invited her to become the only (and
probably the very first) female Ninja.

Name: Minoru Suzuki

Age: 28

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Special Move: Minoru throws out a trio of shurikens. If anyone is hit they will be stunned temporarily.

Background: Minoru is one the few remaining traditional Samurai left in Japan. Clothed in traditional Samurai armor he remains loyal to this ancient Japanese way of life even as the mainland continues to modernize its culture. He thinks Ninjas are weak and dishonorable as he thinks real battles are fought between man-to-man and steel-to-steel instead of hiding in shadows and sneaking around in pajamas. However, Minoru is fiercely loyal to Miyamoto (no one knows why) and has taken a vow to always be by his side until either one’s death.

Name: “Pachinko-Xâ€￾

Age: unknown

Hometown: unknown

Special Move:pachinko channels his mysterious powers to teleport the ball directly into hands.

Background: Little is known about Pachinko-X except that he/she loves sushi, assassinating, and Pachinko (of all things). Sex, race, hometown, and even visual appearance are a complete mystery. Pachinko refuses to answer any question regarding the past and gets quite annoyed when continually probed. In fact, the clan has a pool going on that Pachinko is not from this world as his/her eyes glow an eerie red.