Other Plan to Buy a Next Gen Console survey conducted by Baird Equity Research


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Read from gamesindustry biz:

Responses suggest a roughly equal split between Microsoft and Sony to start the next generation.

But as the preorder campaigns for both PS5 and Xbox Series X|S have shown, there's a gap between the number of people who want to buy a system and those who are able to. Supplies of all the hardware will be scarce, reasoning that a number of gamers will likely wind up settling for playing games on current-gen instead.

That may be good for current-gen platforms, as Baird's survey found that fewer consumers were planning to buy current-gen software than at the same time last year.

It is impressive that the older generation consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One still have 10% of people expecting to buy them since I feel most people who want a Xbox One or PS4 would of bought one by now.
Waiting til' next year is the smartest choice imho.
Surprised to see people are still interested in buying the old-gen consoles. The prices aren't that great even this late into this cycle.
Surprised to see people are still interested in buying the old-gen consoles. The prices aren't that great even this late into this cycle.

assuming the polling is true, not everyone keeps up with the latest and greatest, but online only games do have their time limits which would make some unable to play them.
I feel buying older generation consoles are popular with people with less money. There probably be a lot of used and refurbished older consoles for sale once the PS5 and Xbox Series X get released.

I feel it is best to wait till next year or longer to buy a PS5, and Xbox Series X because there will be more games to play in 2021 and beyond.