Planes circle the Aegean sea after controller overslept


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Two airplanes due to land on the Greek island of Lesbos had to circle above the Aegean sea for more than half an hour because an air traffic controller overslept, police said Monday.

An Olympic Airlines aircraft, arriving from the Greek capital Athens, and a Slovakian Airlines plane made several failed attempts to contact control tower personnel.

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They would have been guided toward their landing destination, if the traffic controller have not overslept.
QUOTE (Spiritwarrior @ September 29, 2008 12:31 pm) Two airplanes due to land on the Greek island of Lesbos had to circle above the Aegean sea for more than half an hour because an air traffic controller overslept, police said Monday.

An Olympic Airlines aircraft, arriving from the Greek capital Athens, and a Slovakian Airlines plane made several failed attempts to contact control tower personnel.

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They would have been guided toward their landing destination, if the traffic controller have not overslept.
lol that sucks for them.