Planning to go shopping on Black Friday or Cyber monday?

Nah, not this year for me. My dad is though.
I hope no one gets trampled on Black Friday since a few years a go a store employee at Walmart or some other discount store got trampled to death.
Hah, yeah.

The only downfall from Black Friday is that you have to wait in line for a long time.

I wish I can go, but I have a TNF Game at 8:25 PM.
My parents are up at 4 am, and are at the stores by 5. There are usually a lot of people their as well but they don't worry probably because my stepdad carries his gun with him wherever he goes..

I am sure that if it came down to either their lives or someone else's, that he would make the right choice.

how has he not been arrested?
He's a retired detective.. in hindsight, I realize that I should have mentioned that.. my bad.. Anyway, he always has it on him and in its holster.. much like he still has his badge, and occasionally helps with traffic whenever we are stuck in a parking lot or driveway because some idiot won't move.

Much like he would also use it to help stop a robbery if one were about to take place at a store that he happened to be shopping at. The NYPD is already aware of who he is, and that he is retired and on more than one occasion he has helped stopped a crime.

He wouldn't use his firearm unless his, or his family's lives where threatened, and so, that is why he, or anyone he is with at that moment will be safe in the situation like that. Much like I would be safe with my fiancé in a situation like that.. not because of a firearm, but because he is 6' 6" and built like a truck.. he's a big dude.. and so, when people see him, they move and fast.
He's a retired detective.. in hindsight, I realize that I should have mentioned that.. my bad.. Anyway, he always has it on him and in its holster.. much like he still has his badge, and occasionally helps with traffic whenever we are stuck in a parking lot or driveway because some idiot won't move.

Much like he would also use it to help stop a robbery if one were about to take place at a store that he happened to be shopping at. The NYPD is already aware of who he is, and that he is retired and on more than one occasion he has helped stopped a crime.

He wouldn't use his firearm unless his, or his family's lives where threatened, and so, that is why he, or anyone he is with at that moment will be safe in the situation like that. Much like I would be safe with my fiancé in a situation like that.. not because of a firearm, but because he is 6' 6" and built like a truck.. he's a big dude.. and so, when people see him, they move and fast.

how does a retired detective still be able to carry a gun around? Even if the police are aware of it, it should be illegal. or is this a cause of the police do what they wish regardless of the law?
No, it is more a case of it being his firearm, it being licensed to him, and the fact that he is able to have it on him at all times to protect him, his family or anyone else is protected by the law. Active and retired law officers and detectives are allowed to carry a concealed firearm. On the day he retired, he was issued a civilian carry permit, just like the other retired officers and detectives in the 47 other states.. so he is well within his legal rights to have and carry a concealed firearm. He would only be breaking the law if it weren't his gun and/or he had one in the states that do not allow ANY private citizen to carry a firearm. If he were carrying it while intoxicated or, used it to commit a crime or used it to intimidate people by waving it around.

If he were a regular civilian then he would not be allowed to carry it, unless, he were subject to a grueling application and approval (and subsequent appeal if initially denied) process, and even still, unless state law says otherwise, civilians are not allowed to carry concealed weapons. However, because of the fact that he has worked in law enforcement, and has put away a lot of dangerous people during his time on the force is why it is necessary for him to carry his weapon on him for his own protection, or our family's. It was also why he, my mother and siblings had to move out of the city after he retired.

Doing this, also removes the possibility of someone breaking into the house and stealing his gun and using it to commit a crime. If someone did, then he would be the one held responsible due to the fact that it was his gun, and due to the fact that he has worked in law enforcement, he could be arrested for losing his gun, on top of the trouble he'd be in for the crime committed.