Play vinyls?


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Anyone here ever use or currently use vinyl records to play music?
Seen some at Kohl's and maybe Barnes and Noble but I would rather look online and also find something to play them with as I do not own either.
While my husband collects records, we haven't yet shopped around for a record player to play them. Some feel the sound quality is better on a good record compared to other recordings. Some think it's sub-par.
While my husband collects records, we haven't yet shopped around for a record player to play them. Some feel the sound quality is better on a good record compared to other recordings. Some think it's sub-par.
I think the problem is that people make sweeping generalizations, and there’s too many factors to give a single answer if whether or not it sounds better or not.

First thing’s first, your vinyl setup has to be comparable to whatever you’re comparing it to. If you have a cheap turntable, but listening to Spotify on nice headphones, obviously the digital is going to sound better.

There are also albums that come in multiple pressings of various quality. So there’ll be one that sounds great, and another that sounds like shit. There are ways to tell, but that requires prior research.

Then there’s albums that sound like shit no matter what medium because the producer made it sound like shit. Some examples are And Justice for All by Metallica and Californication by RHCP.