Playstation 4.5?


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I think you're spot on with that assumption. At the very least it is a way to correct a few shortcomings and re-ignite their brand into the gamers' minds.
I don't have a 4k TV, so honestly, don't care lol. -- Like the article states, people shouldn't be raging yet - we literally know nothing at all about the new system - it could just be an "add-on" of some kind requiring you to have the "original" PS4 - or Sony could offer some type of "upgrade path". But really, who cares, lol. 4-times more pixels per inch really doesn't make me very excited, but then again, graphics have never been my main concern when considering what games to buy.
I don't have a 4k TV, so honestly, don't care lol. -- Like the article states, people shouldn't be raging yet - we literally know nothing at all about the new system - it could just be an "add-on" of some kind requiring you to have the "original" PS4 - or Sony could offer some type of "upgrade path". But really, who cares, lol. 4-times more pixels per inch really doesn't make me very excited, but then again, graphics have never been my main concern when considering what games to buy.

I believe 4.5 is supposed to have a better CPU, meaning games would run better on it.
Would they make games to take advantage of the new hardware? Or would it be like the PC where they make games geared towards the lower end specs to grab more market share?
Would they make games to take advantage of the new hardware? Or would it be like the PC where they make games geared towards the lower end specs to grab more market share?

apparently there will not be any PS4.5 games. All games will be made at PS4 level with a added feature that would bring it up to PS4.5 snuff.
I just bought my PS4. Hopefully there will be some type of trade in program, or maybe Gamestop will offer extra cash for trading in old PS4s.
As I still have only my PS3, this could be a neat way to upgrade to current gen, but then again at least to me it seems that consoles are shifting way more towards PC's in every aspect (installations, patches, upgrades...), and that just makes me wonder why not simply go with PC gaming, since it's practically the same thing sans way, way cheaper?

I do play most of my games on PC that's hooked up to my TV anyways, but somehow I still like the approach that consoles have. I just haven't gotten used to the Steam Big Picture, but my PS3's XMB I just love. Weird thing...