Playstation DVR Free


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Yesterday it was announced that Xbox One's DVR would be only for gold members. Today Sony followed up saying that their DVR for the PS4 will be free for all to use on the PS4.

However I don't believe you can use it to record shows or other video and many won't use a 15 minute limit capture for play through. Many will want to use it for online stuff and thus it pretty much requires PSN plus.
Seems like this generation Sony is trying hard to screw over microsoft. I mean:

- xbox costs 500$. PS4 costs 400$.
- xbox forces kinect. PS4 has optional move.
- xbox has a friend limit of 1000. PS4 has a limit of 2000.
- xbox's recording limit is 5 minutes. PS4 recording time is 15 minutes.
- xbox hides netflix behind xbl gold. PS4 allows netflix for free.
- xbox requires day 1 patch to remove old restrictions. PS4 never had those restrictions (thusly doesn't need a patch to remove them.)
Kind of... perhaps... If you have an internet connection available to you.

But if you buy an xbox and don't have an internet connection readily available for it? Yeah, suddenly it does matter a lot (since in 24 hours it's a brick).  Which is where the PS4 is likely to be different. I have no doubt there will be a day one patch for something. But you could very easily set up your PS4 and play for days without needing that patch.

I think the reason for the time differences comes down to how the system was developed. It might be (I don't know for certain) that microsoft's 3 OS idea takes up too much of the total resources and that causes things to be bogged down. So it can't as easily capture extended lengths of HD video. Meanwhile the PS4 only has one OS (likely a Unix based OS too)  and games for the resources to be divided between. This means it can more easily store and work with longer lengths of video without issue. 

Either that or microsoft just figured: "Eh, 5 minutes is more than enough. No one is going to care/complain."
Then Sony came out and stated 15 minutes of recording and microsoft shat another brick. 

Hard to tell for certain.

I am curious what sort of tools will be available on PS4's editor though. I mean Sony certainly has the edge when it comes to video/audio production... (Since they specialize in high end cameras, audio equipment and video editing programs. Sony Vegas anyone? Where microsoft really doesn't handle that much in the actual editing side. Plus their tools like Windows Movie Maker tend to be kinda low quality, especially compared to high end programs like Vegas.)
Everytime I see something else posted about the PS4 it makes me realise just what they are trying to do. Technically though when you think about it, all of what Playstation claim their users can get for free is all well and good if you are only using it for that only. If you are someone who wishes to also play online you are also paying for everything they claim is free, so it's pretty much the same as Xbox. How many are going to purchase a console for entertainment purposes only and not game online?
15 minutes is not a lot of time to record video for longer boss fights, cut scenes, and bigger levels, but good for recording small clips while fighting regular enemies on levels.

The 15 minute and 5 minute recording limit for new consoles are most likely to prevent gamers and Game consoles from breaking the law by following the "Fair use" laws in the US which uses Fair use to prevent people from getting sued for recording and sharing a few minutes of content which they don't own/created themselves, but they can upload a few minutes of gameplay video, and hope the gaming companies who made the game won't file a copyright complaint if they agree the video is being fairly use. The 5 minute limit for Xbox One might of been recommended to Xbox from their lawyers to prevent gamers from breaking fair use laws in the US.

I read post that Sega, and Nintendo filed copyright claimed against YouTube videos with their gameplay video on YouTube, so I think there is a chance these Gameplay recording, and sharing programs could be cancelled if MS, Sony, and Gamers are getting sued for recording and sharing gameplay from games which do not want their footage to be shared online. Games also contain copyrighted music, so the music industry like the RIAA also might not want their music in games to be shared for free online where they don't make a profit.
I have my own external DVR which I have not even opened from the box yet. I'm waiting until life balances out before I start recording away.

On that other side note, from the beginning Microsofts' business model is instead of attracting customers they make it so you have no choice but to use them. This is how they can charge for gold memberships and what not. I'm sure there are going to be some surprises that xbox has the advantage over which will keep it stable.
I notice Xbox 360 are being bundled with a lot of Cable TV services package when I look through Advertisements I get in the mail, so the Xbox One maybe used for future bundles with Cable TV services. It may also be the Cable TV Box rather than needing a seperate box made by Motorola or RCA since the One has the HDMI input and HDMI output ports, so all it needs is the regular Coaxial cable port which can be added by using a USB to Coax adapter for plugging Cable TV into the One, and a remote control for the Xbox One for controlling channels, sound, etc.

Indeed, most of Microsoft products force most people to use them since many people need Windows to run MS Word, and people who use MS Word need Windows to run MS Office. Plus, many printers and scanners only work for Windows, so even if you use OpenOffice, you still need Windows to print your stuff with a printer.
Yes, I think there would be deals with Cable TV like the 360 being bundled with Cable TV for new customers, and the Xbox One with the HDMI TV input port would make the Xbox One more useful than a 360 for TV lovers since the Xbox One can be used to look up info on a TV show and schedules for which TV show to watch next while watching TV on a separate window.

I read online that TV watching is still in the top 3 things people do while at home.
On demand sports seem to be less fun to watch if I had a choice on watching it live or recorded, so I think some shows and events would be best live. I also think On Demand News is less informative than Unedited Live News since YouTube and the Internet already have a lot of On Demand News Channels like Russia Today.

I think there always be a lot of people who still mostly watch Live TV as an excuse to watch more TV because they are too lazy to record TV, and rather watch live TV since the internet has a lot of spoilers, blogs and forums which spoil American idol and sports matches because they post who won American idol and sports matchs.

Since the Xbox comes with Kinect which has a camera, it may mean people can interact with  live game shows and Talk shows via the internet with Skype instead of just watching.
froggyboy604 said:
On demand sports seem to be less fun to watch if I had a choice on watching it live or recorded, so I think some shows and events would be best live. I also think On Demand News is less informative than Unedited Live News since YouTube and the Internet already have a lot of On Demand News Channels like Russia Today.

I think there always be a lot of people who still mostly watch Live TV as an excuse to watch more TV because they are too lazy to record TV, and rather watch live TV since the internet has a lot of spoilers, blogs and forums which spoil American idol and sports matches because they post who won American idol and sports matchs.

Since the Xbox comes with Kinect which has a camera, it may mean people can interact with  live game shows and Talk shows via the internet with Skype instead of just watching.
obviously live programing will always have to remain live. For channels that have line ups, they could instead have all the shows ready to watch for the person whenever they want. If there is a new show it could go live at the time of it's suppose to air.

Think of it like this, you input the channel number and a website like channel appears. You can either watch a live steam of current news/sports or review what was previously aired. If a episode of family guy airs at 9 but I won't be around I can watch it now and again instead of waiting for that one airing.
TV channels and shows don't really like recorded shows since people are more likely to skip TV ads which make the TV Channel and shows a lot of money like how those Superbowl commercials cost millions of dollars to air on TV for a few seconds on TV because a lot of people watch Superbowl ads.
froggyboy604 said:
TV channels and shows don't really like recorded shows since people are more likely to skip TV ads which make the TV Channel and shows a lot of money like how those Superbowl commercials cost millions of dollars to air on TV for a few seconds on TV because a lot of people watch Superbowl ads.
Your still not following me, everything is the same as a regular tv channel. But instead of having to follow a pre-planned schedule all the none live shows are on demand. If there was going to be a commercial 15 mins into the program there will still be one. They can also display more ads on the on demand selection screen.
Maybe TV shows want people who can't watch the show at the aired time to buy the $60-100 or more Blu-Ray/DVD Season box set of their TV show season when it is release to stores at the end of the season, or buy individual episodes for $1.99 per episode on Amazon, and iTunes.

One of the reasons that Netflix and other streaming services does not always have the newest movies or shows compared to DVD and Blu-Ray is because the TV show company makes lots of money from buyers who buy the expensive DVD or Blu-Ray set of the whole season of their favorite show. The special editions with all the seasons, a nice box, and toys from the shows box set can cost many hundreds of dollars like Lost Complete Season Collector Edition cost $419.99 on Amazon for the Blu-ray set with special packaging, toys, and manuals. On Demand can hurt their DVD and Blu-Ray season box set sales for their TV shows.

On Demand and Streaming from YouTube has made the music industry make less money because people are buying fewer $20-30 CDs which make Music Companies more money compared to On Demand and Streaming where they don't earn as much as the past.
Demon_Skeith said:
I hope the PS4 editor is good, I really want to record footage and post to GF's youtube page.

The 3 OS thing must also explain Xbox one's bulky appearance.
The XB1 probably has a bulkier motherboard or more cooling materials.

The tri-OS thing is just pure marketing. You have the games on one OS and everything else on another, while a third OS coordinates them... Sounds nice to a casual. It's not optimized.

In fact, I'd reckon the triple OS marketing is really obscure and there's actually only one OS (based on Win8.1) with some stupid degree of compartmentalization to allow the marketing gimmick.