PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! | PlayStation
ゲーム愛あふれる出演者がクリエーターにインタビュー! 思わずPlayしたくなるトーク番組「PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!」です。デジタルスタンプラリーも開催。
Translated by Gematsu:
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia will host “Play! Play! Play!”—“a talk show that makes you want to play”—on March 21 from 20:00 to 21:00 JST, the company announced. You will be able to watch it on YouTube.
The program will feature Resident Evil Village and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. Presenters for the Resident Evil Village segment include Capcom director Morimasa Sato, model Kayo Satoh, and MC Hatsune Matsushima, while presenters for the Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade segment include Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase, entertainer Hatsune Matsushima, and MC Takuya Nakamura.