PlayStation PlayStation Trophies Are Being Adjusted


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Sony announced it’s expanding the number of trophy levels and changing how they’re calculated ahead of the release of the PS5.

Currently, PlayStation Network users have a level from one to 100 based on the total number of trophies they’ve collected while playing games on the platform. Starting later today that will change, with everyone being moved over to a new 1,000 level scale. For example, if your current level is 12, via Sony’s peculiar inflation your new level will end up somewhere in the 200s. In addition, each 100 levels will be associated with a different trophy icon ranging from a small bronze to a giant gold and eventually, upon hitting level 999, a platinum.

“Players will progress quicker through the early levels, and levels will increase more consistently.”

Sony did at a time offer credit back for the amount of Trophies a person gathered, but that program seems to have ended quietly.