PlayStation Vita Accessories


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Tucked away in the area where Sony is showing private demos is a clear case packing all sorts of PlayStation Vita goodies. There's no information on the cases, memory cards or chargers, but they sure look pretty.

see here

I like the look of the game cards.
Yeah, I do too. They look kinda like DS games or SD cards.
Tucked away in the area where Sony is showing private demos is a clear case packing all sorts of PlayStation Vita goodies. There's no information on the cases, memory cards or chargers, but they sure look pretty.

see here

I like the look of the game cards.

Why do they need memory cards for? Unless they are the new "UMD". The memory stick looks like a new one meaning there is nothing like it in the market unless that is an adapter for a microsd card.
I like the game cards, they look like SD memory cards which are nice, small, and sleek!
The accessories don't look all that impressive to me. It doesn't really matter to me though because the Vita does look impressive.
I must admit I like the new game cards better then the UMD. Because you don't have to worry about scratches anymore. I just hope they don't drive the price of games up to $59.99 That would definitely make me not want to buy the Vita.
Awesome. I like how the case's look similar to zip-up glasses case's. They are real easy to use for one, and just work well. As for the memory cards, are these newly made specifically for the Vita or are they a current standard card? They almost look lite a slightly enlarged micro SD. The game cards look more like SD cards.
The accessories were expected. But I don't think we'll be seeing the juicy or really good ones until the system comes out. Also, accessories are usually designed after system launches partially as complaint about the system. So they accessories are made to rectify the complaints.