PlayStation Vita Release Date?


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Quick on the heels of yesterday's press release for Supremacy MMA, which indicated that PlayStation Vita is coming out this fall, news has emerged from the UK in the form of a flier, indicating that Vita might be coming out sooner than you think.

A reader sent us an advertisement from Blockbuster in UK, seen below, that dates both Vita models for European release on Friday, October 28th. The veracity of this ad is yet unknown -- definitely let us know in the comments if you think the ad is fake or not -- but we've reached out to Blockbuster in the UK for comment and confirmation. If the ad is indeed real, it's simply more evidence that Vita will be released in territories outside of Japan before 2011 ends.

We also reached out to Sony for comment, and they confirmed that Vita would receive a "phased global release" this holiday season. Whether or not that means that the phased release will be completed in 2011 or only begin in 2011 remains to be seen. But evidence is certainly beginning to mount that gamers worldwide could very well have their hands on PlayStation Vita before Christmas.

Every PSP has come out in October, but I'm still betting November. And the Vita will fail now that the 3DS is $180. I see Nintendo's true intentions now.
Nintendo is obviously winning at the moment, even though they are technically losing. :P If Sony manages to cut the price to $200, I'd say they would be winning (duh XD), but at the moment their price will lead to a downfall, despite some pretty damn good looking games.
I hope they do. At this point, 3DS is most likely going to be ahead better than ever. It's an $80 price difference, plus Nintendo is known for their handhelds better than Sony.
I didn't really understand what you meant, but... You know what would be funny? If they kept dropping the price to the point where the consoles were $20. Economy collapse for video games commence! XD