PM: Sticker Star: Things/Super Flag Guide


• Hey guys. So I finished up Paper Mario Sticker Star ridiculously I figured I could at least make a specific guide for Sticker Star. Yes, this guide is a bit on the spoiler side. But I've whited out names of enemies/Things.

• For now, this is only a guide for Things that should be used against the Bosses, a complete list of Thing locations, and some tips for the right side Super Flags, as they take more time than playing through the whole game normally.

=Boss Battle Stickers/Things:
Having troubles with a Boss? Most battles may be really hard/impossible without certain Stickers/Thing Stickers, seriously.
..And if you take too long without 'em Kersti may nag at you after a Royal Sticker boss battle. Lol. The names of the enemies and the Things have been whited out in this list, as well as the answers to when the Sticker should be used. Just Ctrl+F/Command+F to find the one you're having trouble with. Or highlight. Whichever works for you.
-Bowser Jr.: Scissors
When should this Sticker be used?: Immediately, if you want to save your Stickers. This will one shot 'em!

-Big Buzzy Beetle: Fire Flower / Ice Flower Stickers don't work on this guy. His weakness is his underside though, so try using Jump Stickers and POW Stickers to flip 'em over. Use Battle Spinner to use two or three attacks!

- Megasparkle Goomba: Fan / Scissors
When should this Sticker be used?: When Megasparkle Goomba is coming apart.

- Kamek: What's this?! You're stuck with Flip-Flop Stickers! All you can do is slap him silly, just try to use regular Jump / Hammer Stickers if you remember where these Stickers were in your album. Feel free to lol at Mario's expression while he's spanking Kamek, too.

- Tower Power Pokey: Bat / Newspaper / Toy Bat
When should this Sticker be used?: Wait for the Pokey to reach it's full height, which is when it has four body segments.

- Wiggler Segment: Nothing specific..just if it dodges one of your attacks, just try another type of Sticker instead.

- Big Scuttle Bug: Thing Stickers aren't needed for this battle. Use Fire Flower / Ice Flower Stickers to take down the web.

- Gooper Blooper: Sponge
When should this Sticker be used?: On the fourth turn, when Gooper Blooper's mostly in the water and is changing to dark shades of purple.

- Big Cheep Cheep: Fishhook / Thumbtack
When should this Sticker be used?:

- Big Boo: Vaccuum / Upright Vaccuum, or Faucet / Watering Can
When should this Sticker be used?: Use any of the Stickers mentioned when Big Boo becomes invisible, which is when the candles in the background are lit up. It's mandatory you use any of them, because it'll be impossible to attack the Big Boo while it's invisible!

-Bowser Jr.:

- Bowser Snow Statue / Mizzter Blizzard: Oven / Radiator
When should this Sticker be used?:

- Big Chain Chomp: can't beat this one. Seriously. It's a puzzle, to say at the least. Did you think of using Hammer Stickers on it's wooden post though?

-Petey Piranha:

- Bowser Jr.: Tail / Shiny Tail
When should this Sticker be used?:

- Kamek: What's this?! You're stuck with Flip-Flop Stickers! All you can do is slap him silly, just try to use regular Jump / Hammer Stickers if you remember where these Stickers were in your album. Feel free to lol at Mario's expression while he's spanking Kamek, too. Flip-Flop Stickers do not work if Kamek is floating higher in the air, however..

- Bowser:
Part 1: Tape
When should this Sticker be used?:
Part 2:
When should this Sticker be used?:
Part 3: Refrigerator
When should this Sticker be used?:
Part 4: Tail / Shiny Tail
When should this Sticker be used?:
Part 5: ???.....
When should this Sticker be used?: Immediately. Right away!...

=Thing List and Locations:
Did you miss a Thing? Right here is a list of all the Things in the game, and where the Things are, explaining a bit on where/how to get the Thing. The list is organized by Worlds. The names of the Things have been whited out! Just Ctrl+F/Command+F to find the one you're having trouble with. Or highlight. Whichever works for you.

Any Thing that simply says "Secret Door", I have not specified where the Secret Doors are for now, unless there's enough people asking for the Secret Door locations.

World 1: (8 Total)
Scissors: After the bridge, in the nearby cave.

Thumbtack: Secret Door.

Fan: It's blowing away all of that poor Toad's flowers on the right side of the area...take the lower route under the Flower Garden entrance to get it.

Cat-o-Luck: It's in the area right after the Toad's flower garden area, a little after the Recovery Block.

Faucet: In the room behind the Bowser statue that's spewing out water..

Bed: Secret Door.

Bellows: Secret Door.

Trumpet: Top of the Fortress.
World 2: (11 Total, Surfshine Harbor included here)
Soda: At the end of the really quicksandy hill that's before the pyramid. It's sticking out of the sand a little.

Car Battery: Secret Door.

Lightbulb: In the area after the Comet Piece, it's on the third torch stand.

Paper Fan: Secret Door.

Jackhammer: It's at the bottom left of the maze, just keep going left.

Magnifying Glass: At the entrance of the maze, take the right route, keep going right without falling and go in the door. Open up the 2nd closed coffin to find the hidden room where the Magnifying Glass is.

Bat: After the maze area, it is the 3rd coffin.
(For convenience, the proper sand falling route starting from the entrance is right, right, left, left. The maze exit is on the left.)

Lighter: Secret Door.

Surfshine Harbor:
Vacuum: Go in the 3rd door to get to the backside, going through the only other door in the back.

Shaved Ice: Top of the chill Toad's cottage, go through the big window on the 2nd floor of the cottage to get up there.

Hair Shears: Secret Door.
World 3 (20 Total)
Searchlight: Secret Door.

Bowling Ball (TEMPORARY): A little after the hidden area that's full of a variety of Stickers.
(For convenience, the route is right, left, right, left, left.)

Trophy: Replaces the Bowling Ball after clearing 3-4 with the Bowling Ball.
(For convenience, the route is right, left, right, left, left.)

Violin: Secret Door.

High Heel: On the shelf with Wiggler's shoes. Knock out the fire on the 2nd floor.

Boom Box: In Wiggler's bedroom, on the shelf.

Billiard Ball: Up in the tree on the right of the entrance to the striking lane. It's about as mean as a coconut...

Bowling Ball: ONLY after clearing this level with the Bowling Ball, appears nearby the striking lane.

Drum: Secret Door.

Pillow: Secret Door.

Fishhook: Secret Door.

Upright Vacuum: Secret Door.

Watch Battery: At the entrance, in the poison/area where the poison was. It's aligned with the left side of the spider web if there is still poison.

Tape: Secret Door.

Sponge: When you first enter this level, go to the first entrance that is on the east. The Sponge is in this area on the far east platform, either covered in poison goop or not. If it is covered in poison, Hammer it 3 times to clean it up.

Radiator: Clear the "special stage".

Square Can: Secret Door.

Balloon: Secret Door.

Watch: In the sand, south of the entrance.

Newspaper: Secret Door.
World 4: (12 Total, Trophy excluded)
Goat: Keep going up the mountain on the far right of the level to find the entrance. Hammer the lone tree 3 times.

Cell Phone: Secret Door.

Curling Stone: Wait for it to appear alongside the penguins on the ice. If you miss it, just wait again.

Trophy: Appears in the second portion of the level with the penguins, wait for it to appear. If you miss it, just wait again.

Rubber Ducky: Appears in the second portion of the level with the penguins, wait for it to appear. If you miss it, just wait again.

Hair Dryer: Secret Door.

Oven: In the kitchen, on the far left.
Refrigerator: Kitchen, on the far right.
Cake: Kitchen table, go up to the kitchen's 2nd floor via main lobby to get it.
Stapler: From the lobby, go through the right door, then go through other door in the next room...OH MY GOD STOP COMING OUT OF THE WINDOW.
Watering Can: In the left side of the mansion, nearby the little greenhouse. It's on a shelf.

Flashlight: Secret Door.

Sewing Scissors: On top of a crate at the right of the waiting line area, near the Shy Guy operators.
World 5: (11 Total, Rubber Ducky excluded)
Toy Bat: In the 2nd area, there is a secret entrance next to the 2nd ? Block you see. Go behind the left tree next to the ? block to find a secret area where the Toy Bat lies.

Powder Puff: From the area with the Comet Piece, take the right route. Keep going right until you are in the area with tons tall grass. From the entrance there, go up to the ? block. A little to the right of the ? block is a patch of grass. Jump over it and go left to find the secret entrance.

Tailor Shears: Secret Door.

Rubber Ducky: In the river, it comes at you like the friendly little not-eating-your-raft Thing it is.

Mini Vacuum: Secret Door.

D-Cell Battery: On the second floor of the ruins, go over the bridge with the Bomps coming out of the waterfall and enter the door. From there go right where there is a room with two Bomps, one of them requires Paperizing if that wasn't done yet, and jump over them and go out the door above. Hammer the wall directly above of the Big Shiny Baahammer Sticker to reveal the D-Cell Battery.

Teapot: On the second floor of the ruins, go over the bridge with the Bomps coming out of the waterfall. From there go left and out the door. On the right side should be a blue flower and a waterfall with a dark spot. Hammer close to the edge of the wall to reveal hidden blocks to get into the hidden room in the waterfall.

Air Conditioner: Secret Door.

Turkey: You need to do something first about the lava flowing everywhere to get this...from the entrance of the level, go down into the crater that is right across the entrance, and go left into the hidden room. It never stood a chance..</3

Car Sponge: In the second area of the level, just past the second flow of lava is an area at the top where the hidden room is, which is hiding behind the bit of..rock? Cardboard? You need to do some Paperizing first before being able to reach this area.

Basin: Secret Door.

Guitar: Secret Door.

=Super Flag tips:
Because odds are, you probably haven't gotten all the Super Flags when you have cleared almost, if not all the Worlds since the set of Super Flags on the right require even more time playing than going through all the Worlds in a regular manor. There's nothing whited out here.

(Spend 10,000 Coins.)
-Buying Things from the Toad doesn't count towards this...

-Just buy a lot of Shiny Shell Stickers frequently, which is available in the Decalburg and W4-4's Shaved Ice Cave's Sticker Shops. Shiny Shell Stickers will make two other Super Flag achievements a bit easier to reach anyways.

-If you notice you seem to be a little low on Coins, go to W4-1 and battle Shiny Goombas and Shiny Paragoombas, they tend to give out a lot of Coins, even more when there's a group of them, especially if you get a Perfect Bonus. They get knocked out in 1 Red Shell hit as well.
(Get a Perfect Bonus in 500 battles.)
-You can only get a Perfect Bonus if you are not hit first at the start of a battle, and if you can finish the battle within your turn.

-Erm the sand in World 2 battles also applies to this, but surely you won't leave Mario alone that long right?..

-If you're in poisoned water, consider that as a timer. The longer you take, the sooner Mario will eventually take damage. If that happens, you will not receive a Perfect Bonus for that battle.
(Perform 1,000 Excellent attacks.)
-Any type of Hammer Stickers do not give Excellent attacks, so if you're aiming for this Super Flag, try to avoid using Hammer Sticker types unless you have to one.

-Really long..but there's an easy way. First, have a bunch of Shiny Shell/Shell Stickers (These are the easiest to get Excellent attacks), and a couple of Jump Stickers. Go anywhere in World 3 that has Ninji enemies. Encounter all of them (But don't Jump or Hammer it, that will most likely knock them out..) in the level and use only Shell/Shiny Shell Stickers until you find a Ninji that dodges your Shell. Then just keep using Shell Stickers and block each time the Ninji attacks until you are either low on HP or have run out of Shell Stickers. When that happens, finally finish it off with a Jump Sticker. Rinse and repeat this process as much as you want.

-Here's another method that also helps with getting more Coins. First have a ton of Shiny Ice Flower or Shiny Fire Flower Stickers. In W4-1 you can battle Shiny Goombas and Shiny Paragoombas, as they tend to be in groups and they get KO'd in one hit. After the 3rd ice/fireball, you will continue to get EXCELLENT!! per fireball properly timed. So depending on the amount of Goombas per battle, you can get +3 or +2 more Excellent attacks in a battle.

-Don't feel like doing that because that seems a little..unfair or something? How about this then?
First get a ton of Jump Stickers. Then clear W4-5 repeatedly, as that level forces you to battle constantly. Be sure to pick up the Comet Piece at the end all the time for this level too for the Coin bonus.
(Hit the Battle Spinner jackpot 50 times.)
-Press X during a battle to open the Battle Spinner, if you aren't sure what it is. It costs Coins to use the Battle Spinner, but if you hit the jackpot you can attack with 2/3 Stickers in your turn instead of 1! But the more you use the Battle Spinner per turn in a battle, the more Coins it may cost! Take note that once you've opened up the Battle Spinner, you have no choice but to use it.

-When you are going for the Super Flag, always go for the "Special" option. That makes it a lot easier to get the jackpot as it automatically matches the 2nd space, so you only have to worry about matching 1 block instead of 2.

-Try to go for the Coin! The Coin block appears the most in the Battle Spinner.
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