PMD Gates to Infinity Review


Theres spoilers in my review, just a little warning.

- I was asked to do a PMD: Gates to Infinity review and I go. So the game is a lot different than the other PMD games, like a lot different. First of all, you get to pick your starters, before you had to answer a bunch of questions and which ever pokemon matches your answers that's the one you get.

- Another thing, your able to like level up your moves if you know what I mean, like if you use a move a certain number of times it will level up and have more power, PP, and accuracy.

- Something else I found disappointing was that you can only do one mission at a time. In the other PMD games you were able to do many missions at the same time as long as they are in the same dungeon.

- The story is very...I mean very short. Its not really that long, I beat the game in like 2 days.

- Something that the game wants you to do is build like a paradise, which for me feels like your building an empire in one of those online games out there where you build an empire and have to build buildings and stuff. That's what you do in this game, you have to build land, and build facilities to make your paradise bigger and better. To build land and facilities you need to get the materials to make them, to get the materials you must go out and get them from missions as rewards. Materials are the only rewards you get aside from money and a random item.

- They have the same concept in ranks, when you complete missions you get a certain amount of points and your team rank goes up. Something good is that when your team ranks go up you earn some rewards.

- Now in the 2nd dungeon, stony cave, there's a red door in the 3rd floor I think. To unlock it you need a red key which you could get pretty early from a mission, but if you go through there's these Braviary that one hit KO you. I went in there again after completing the game and recruited one and found out they are level 54...shocking.

- Something good is that your whole team gets experience even if in the assembly.

- Theres a lot of dungeons to go out and explore in.

- Something very horrible I found to the game was mysteriosity, after you beat the game, all dungeons have a level of mysteriosity from 1-5. Theres a random chance that a distortion will happen and will affect you and the enemies such as you cant use items, or it changes the weather, or strengthen enemies.

- After you beat the game, your main character doesn't come back, you have to do some dungeons and then the voice of life tells you theres a way for the main character to come back from the human world. So you have to go with your 2nd character to this dungeon and wish for the 1st one to come back. The worst part is, you have to go by yourself, and I found the dungeon pretty hard.

- If your stuck on what starter you should pick, I would recommend Axew because if you just use Dual Chop the whole time and raise its power and such, it can really be powerful since it hits twice, and you get this move pretty early too.

- I found Kyurem to be an easy fight. The Bittercold, the final boss which isn't even a pokemon, was pretty hard cause it made me waste a bunch of revivers was somewhat hard but can be killed in the first try.

- Theres not a kangaskhan storage anymore, now theres a deposit box that you can store all your stuff in, even money.

- You can use a TM infinitely like in the 5th generation of Pokémon.

- Something I didn't like about the game is that theres not even that much pokemon. Just 5th generation pokemon and some other ones from other generations. Bulbapedia says theres only a total of 144 and theres a total of 649 pokemon, come on Nintendo.

- In the game you start out at level 7 instead of level 5 like before. Theres only 5 starters.

- Something I found funny in the game was Victini talking about his V-Wheel the whole time.

- I think I found the final boss easy because you can now use orbs in boss battles, and you weren't able to do that before. So I had an All Protect orb and it made me invincible to any attack Kyurem did. And I know he was using some powerful attacks because when he used dragon breath, it was not a normal dragon breath, it was huge. I cant tell how hard he really was because of the orb but he probably was tough.

- Also, there isn't an evolving chamber like the previous games. Its just like the real games that when you level up to a certain level your pokemon can evolve.

- You can upgrade your facilities twice to make them better.

-Well I ran out of things that are important and have changed to the game, time to rate. Im not good with ratings I think it was just certain bits of the game that made it pretty bad. But I would recommend it if you have time to waste because even after beating the game theres still many dungeons to explore and most of them were not even part of the main story. You can also work to build up your paradise and fully upgrade all your facilities.
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Made them all into small paragraphs, that better?

They were looking for something similar to what it shows in the examples for reviews on this forum. See my last review, Bloody Vampire, if you need an idea.

Thank you for posting this, by the way. I was very curious about this game since I'm not typically a fan of the mystery dungeon games other than Azure Dreams and Tornako's Quest (Which are not Pokémon related) but the Paradise building aspect had my curiosity piqued.
Eh, this review needs a lot of formatting done to it. Fancy it up. Take a look at some other reviews to see how to set things in place.
On his behalf, I kinda put him up to it on a whim because I was curious as to the Paradise system. So, with that in mind, it was nice to see them go out of their way to do so for me and I really appreciate it. He wrote this all on a whim and without experience in doing so, which was very kind.