Pokemon Generations?


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Has anyone seen the trailer for this yet?

It seems to be a direct anime adaptation of the first five or six generations of the series, in the style of the recent Pokemon Origins videos. And while it's not quite a full TV series (it's gonna be a series of web videos on the Pokemon YouTube channel), it looks pretty good to be honest.

Certainly a lot more interesting than the old school Pokemon anime, that's for sure!

But yeah, what do you think?
It's a very interesting take on the whole genre of Pokémon.

With the big surprising success of Origins?

I'm shocked they didn't announce another one until just recently! lol
I loved Pokemon Origins so I'm really excited about this. Before I saw what it was, I thought it was going to be a game like Pokemon Stadium, but this works too.
Well, here are the first two episodes:

One is more like a trailer to be honest, but the second one is a neat look at an anti Team Rocket raid at the Viridian Gym.
Makes you wanna think if Giovanni is making a comeback tour in gen 8?

Yeah, the police in this world aren't very good.

But still, at least it's nice to see them do something to try and stop Team Rocket. Better than the original games and anime at any rate!
Well, here's episodes 3 and 4:

That last one was great! Loved seeing Lance and Dragonite blast their way through the Team Rocket Hideout!
Well, it's been a while since I posted any of the episodes here, hasn't it?

Either way, a few really interesting ones were posted recently:


I suspect some people won't be getting any sleep after the Old Chateau one! I mean, if that was how the place was portrayed in the actual game, it'd absolutely be creepy as all hell!

Still, anyone else kind of want to see a full series now?
And now Cyrus and Team Galactic appear:

Have to be honest, this one kind of ended about it when it was getting interesting. Forget Cyrus entering the Distortion World, I want to see what happens to him when he's there. Does he eventually die? Does he battle Girantina and lose? Does he somehow live happily ever after?

That's the real mystery here.