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Did anyone else play Portal 1 or 2, and enjoy it as much as I did? I loved Portal 2, to this day it's one of my favorite games. The co-op was really just great. Don't even get me started on the amazing, interesting story. It had so much that you'd want out of a story. It was interesting, it was thrilling, it was exciting, it was funny. The co-op was loads of fun too. It had almost everything the single player did, not as much of a story, but you got to experience it with a friend.
Your thoughts?
I played Portal 2 a lot. The singleplayer and the coop campaign were OK in my opinion. What made the game very fun and challenging for me and my friends were the Community Test Chambers. Most of them are very very good.
Never played Portal 1 though.
I loved Portal 1. It was great, if a bit short. The puzzles were fun, and I don't remember getting frustrated at the game when I repeatedly failed to solve a puzzle. I was merely just trying different things, thinking with portals until I understood how to solve the issue. Not a bit fan of the last section before the entire lie thing (you know the part), but otherwise a solid game. The Boss Fight (or Boss Puzzle) was also quite entertaining.

To this day I still hum the Portal Radio tune.

Portal 2, while great, left less of an impression in my memory. I mean, beyond the entire SPAAAACE boss-fight/sequence. I did like the inclusion of ink as a way to mix up the puzzles, but it was more portal, so it blurs together a bit. The storyline itself was alright, and I'd love a sequel to the game (more portals!), but it'd have to do something more to really captivate me the way the original did.
My brother played this game, though I don't know if he played the first or second one (or both, for that matter; I know he played at least one of these). He usually gets frustrated at video games, but I'm not sure this was one of those that got him upset.

I think the great part about it was seeing how much of a failure we both were at it. Obviously, he could progress easier than I did. Not sure if he beat the game, though. I'd ask, though he'd probably forget he had the game to begin with.
*Raises shields*

I've never played any portal games.
I played both Portal 1 and 2. I felt that it was a really enjoyable game. Portal 3 hopefully? :grin:
I feel like Portal brings really happy and nostalgic thoughts for me. I remember playing it on my dad's computer because mine couldn't run it at the time. It was one of the first games I had played on the PC, and it just makes me remember this game in particular. I remember getting through the maps with such interest in the story; I feel like the simplicity of the game was what made it beautiful. The story was not particularly complex, but I love it to this day. I feel like they make things too complicated now, and it sort of makes you lose that feeling.
Oh, this game... In high school, I had a friend who was completely into this one, and he made me play it, I didn't go too far, but I can see why people like it so much, it can be pretty addictive and somehow frustrating, lol. I think that I played Portal 1, I haven't really tried the second version, but it seems a good version of it, I will give it a try one of these days.
valve can't count to three :p

At this point, Valve has turned their third games into a myth we believe in but have never seen.

In a more serious tone, though, as much as I loved Portal 1/2 (and if you haven't played them, you should), I don't believe we can have a good, direct sequel. Perhaps a Portal: Stories? Maybe play as one of the other subjects, or even an entirely different genre in which we learn about the backstory behind Aperture Science(tm). I'd absolutely love that!
Portal 2 was the most amazing puzzle game that i could've played with a friend, and the difficulty curve was just right, so it was really fun for both me and my cousin. The only problem is that the game has no replayability, so when my cousin and I finished in a week, there was nothing else to do with the game. They could use some mini-levels with a timer or something, or some DLC in general