Possible Forum Downtime for Jcink Network Upgrade


Full GL Member
From Jcink's blog:

QUOTE Network Upgrades Tomorrow

On Oct 28th, we will be upgrading our network to add more bandwidth to the server. This will result in faster page loads and prepare for further expansion in the future. During the installation at 9AM there could be possible downtime, short, or long if old wiring needs to be cut or moved. This depends on what the technician feels is needed, but we will try to keep downtime to a minimum.

There is one thing that will need to happen; and that means the IP address will change again because we’re leaving to an entirely different internet provider. This doesn’t mean anything to you if you aren’t using a domain name, but if you are, I urge you to make sure you can modify your domain at this time, and update the information on file. For this service, however, I have purchased a static IP. This means the IP cannot change unless a call is made to the network provider, so this will be the last time you’ll likely have to change the IP for a while if all goes according to plan.

When I feel it’s time to move after testing the connection, it will be started hopefully on the same day. Our new IP address here.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

and we have domain names >_
QUOTE (Sycorax @ October 27, 2008 09:39 pm) Damn, but at least I made the sytes.net domain act as a redirect to Jcink's domain. Gotta love no-ip.
yeah all of our domains should redirect.
Hopfully... if they are CNAME'd it wont matter, as it points to b1.jcink.com, and b1 points to Jcink.