You're right about that but the video recording area isn't cropped properly. The guy is also incredibly hard to understand. I'm starting to wonder why most let's plays are really bad.At least it doesn't use a camcorder.
You're right about that but the video recording area isn't cropped properly. The guy is also incredibly hard to understand. I'm starting to wonder why most let's plays are really bad.
No. I was wondering how I could get him to see it. Would I just have to pm him about it on youtube?Sturgeon's Law. That 90 odd percent of rubbish includes Let's Plays.
Has Retsupurae seen this video yet?
Memorable quotes:
"I kan't kill him cuz I have bad aim. God everytime I hit him he shicthz like a ****ing asshole" (sorry about the language. I'll remove it if you want)
If he's playing a game and has bad aim in it then why the hell is he playing a game that is all about aim? On top of that why does he get so irritated?
"Uh oh dis dis the fire(bars) from the original mario brothers. Not the new Mario Brothers."
Firebars have acted pretty much the same throughout the Mario series.
"Oh No Sal...Salvo the Slime. But he's supposed to be dead."
I love how he tried to be dramatic but instead sounds incredibly dull and boring. I also can't tell if the stutter was on purpose or not. On top of that Salvo the Slime isn't something you should be scared of.
"Sorreh I killed your brother. He owed me money(he's talking about the third salvo the slime."
Um what? O_O
I had to replay each sentence a few hundred times. :3Glad you can understand what he's saying, because I sure can't!
Let's Play Police has a catchy ring to it though.There should, but I don't think enforcement will be very tight. :/