Post Boosting!! Spamming Paradise!!

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And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members.

Are you afraid that your post count is low but you don't want to double post on any of these normal topics? Do you just want to spam, like FMO?
Well, you're in the right, place! I've conviniently made you guys a topic so you can up your posts, yes, it's like cheating, yes, this'll probably get removed. That's why you have to post as much as you can!!

Q: What do I do here?
A: Just post anything, no matter what!

Q: How many times can I post in one go?
A: You can post as many times as you want!

Literally, guys, you can post anything you want in whatever spammy language you want to. You can even stArT TawkiN liek thizz?!
Just do what you normally wouldn't do and get your posts up!
Double post FTW!
Well, we're not exactly supposed to promote posting useless content just to rack up your post count, even if it is in the Forum Games board. I'm starting to wonder if posts in said board shouldn't contribute to the post count, heh.

I coulda sworn Nin said that the game boards post didn't count toward the majority of posts already.

EDIT: Huh. I guess they do now... Hey Nin, can you limit this again?
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