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Wow, you knew I was using Vista. Most people guest I am using Win98, Win2000, WinNT from looking at my Classic theme.
If I knew how to change the Start Button to the Win98 start button I bet I can fool more of the less techy.

It takes around 50-60 seconds to boot, and good enough for what I do "going online, homework, watching videos, simple image editing.
I never bench marked it with a real benchmarking program,

It has 2x512MB sticks of DDR2 ram running at 266 Might add an extra 2 GB of ram and a better videocard instead of the intel integrated video
I am currently using. later when I am less poor.

I also disable most of the services, and programs I don't use in msconfig and service.msc

The skin is in classic mode.

Here are the stats of the CPU:
Not a bad CPU, and I know my Operating Systems =D

The ram isnt to bad, what is the brand name and stuff? It all looks good enough for a computer for very little, I am all techy and stuff so Im not good with vista...
Oh, that would make a nice Ubuntu machine... A very nice one indeed. If you ever wish to install it. Just PM me and I will tell you how, or you can go through it yourself, you arent stupid, and its rather simple.