Power going out during your game?


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Have you ever had a problem with the power going out when you're in the middle of playing a video game? What do you usually do in those situations?
Usually I'll avoid playing during a thunderstorm or any event that could possibly knock my power out just for that very reason. I don't want to have to keep playing the same spot on something because something knocks my power out. That would tick me off to no end.
It's been a long time since it happened, my area has been hit with power outs of late but thankfully I wasn't gaming at the time. When I get more money I plan to hook everything up to a UPS.
It has happened a lot! its absolutely frustrating. It happened more frequently in 2011 when I was playing Skyrim for 3 months and I used to forget to save the game, being engrossed in the world. I used to lose sometime 40 mins to an hour of gameplay, I used to rage a lot. Thankfully no controllers were ever broken.
I would prefer if the game was set up to auto save periodically so that you could go back to the last time that the game saved and not have to loose all the work you put into the game because the power went out.
It happened to me a few times but the most recent one was when I was playing CS:GO Competitive.