Prices of games in retail stores too expensive vs online prices?


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Yes, I was at a game store and games which are a year old are still 60 bucks when I can get it online for 20.
The reason it's still that much is either because it hasn't got a Greatest Hits, or it's making good enough sales that they continue making big bucks from them at $60 for a little bit longer.
where online? I can get Fable 2 for 19.99 , but at the store I visited It still cost 59.99. I quickkly walked out of the store since I was not impress with the prices. I can get Fable 2 for 19.99 , but at the store I visited It still cost 59.99. I quickkly walked out of the store since I was not impress with the prices.
$60?! I got it for $20 new at GameStop...
It wasn't surprising the store had so high prices since it was a video rental store that also sold games. Plus, he has no competition sorrounding the store since the closest video game store is a few miles a way.
That's Deffinatley true, I see games at the store more expensive than online.

This goes the same for kya dark lineage, it can be 20 dollars at the store but online it can be like 5 dollars.
If you choose to buy downloadable content from Steam, it is even cheaper since you do not have to pay shipping and handling.